Saturday, June 11, 2016

Breakdown of US Government Targeting Methods Used On Me

Breakdown of US Government Targeting Methods

Tales About The Sociopaths Upstairs
Friday, August 10, 2012
A Complete Breakdown of US Govt Targeting/Methods

Ok, I wanted to revisit some of the tactics that were used to ‘reel’ me in at the advent of this bizarre, creepy experiment the US government has apparently targeted me with but 1st I wanted to comment on a movie that I just came across, that deals with the United States Government version of D.E.W., Doo-Doo (and it’s so named because like most manaical plans coming out of the sociopathic, deranged minds of the supremely fearful and paranoid–the govt’s Doo-Doo ‘doesn’t work worth shit’–so hence the name–anyway, on to my opinion of the movie, “CONTROL FACTOR”…I watched all of it and it’s definitely an amazing piece of fantasy with bits of true life in it. 

Yes, the government (misnomered ‘intelligence agencies’) with the complicity of the medical establishment (or certain factions of it) is in my opinion covertly implanting unsuspecting citizens and targeting them with externally fed voices, among other things. There is also an intricate and involved psy ops pogrom that incorporates all of the targets known fears, insecurities, beliefs and personality quirks. This isn’t some random throw it up against the wall and see what sticks kind of harassment—it takes time, processing, culling, man hours and technology to gather this type of intimate and intricate information. The methodologies used in my targeting would not work on you and vice versa. 

So the agencies who are at the helm of this ‘research’ are going to great lengths to target someone like me. Why? If you believe the bunk theme in the movie Control Factor, it’s for some higher ideal and for what is inferred at the end as the elevation of humanity. Oh really now? Past behavior is an indicator of future behavior? Yes? Then what have you seen in the past and current behavior of those in power that would indicate that a) they generally give a damn about uplifting humanity AND b) they are motivated by any such moral considerations in regards to why they target & harass citizens whose only ‘crime’ may be that their political views are deemed dangerous or beyond the ‘pale’? (pun intended) Yeah… I came up with nothing too. 

Targeting, non-consensual human experimentation and attempts at mind control/behavior modification is about CONTROL of the human population. Plain and simple. Another interesting look behind the curtain touched on in the movie, was the synthetic emotions and how they were used via electromagnetic frequencies to alter moods on a mass scale. Think about the almost like clockwork and successive ever more bizarre and violent incidents that are happening nationwide? Chicago? The recent mass shootings in Colorado & Wisconsin? 

The ‘false’ mass shooting in NY that actually turned out to be one lone gunman killing one person but the incompetent and apparently lacking in basic markmanship-like skills of the NYPD–who seemingly couldn’t hit an unmoving target but instead, hit 9 innocent bystanders. Too bad they don’t seem to be lacking in markmanship skills when it comes to killing innocent black men like Sean Bell, Amadou Diallo or the most recent shooting that occurred in Times Square of an un-armed black male. Could all of these recent shootings also be ‘staged’ attacks that are meant to bolster the publics’ support for the UN Small Arms Treaty? Will an already docile and compliant populace be more amenable to giving up their now guaranteed right to bear arms if the UN pushes this thru with the backing of the US?

In the movie Control Factor, there is a scene when the ‘aliens’ indicated they had the frequency of the anger that sparked the LA Rebellion and used it on an imaginary city of primarily black people…now that sounds totally plausible. Again, in my own personal experience with directed energy weapons attacks, synthetic emotions felt artificial and I immediately noticed them but who knows if I’m the norm in regards to that?

All I know is there is mass chaos going on all over this country and if these cretins possess the technology to affect mass behavior, don’t think for a second they wouldn’t use it. They are the ‘human’ equivalent of Lucifer trying to play God. And frankly only a suicidal, delusional fool would embark on that dead end path. I’m not particularly religious, in fact, I would say I’m not religious at all but instead spiritual; but I can see where this experiment is going.

Ultimately where all sociopathic excursions end up–as a big hot ass mess with the collective world reeling from the aftermath. And they would have us believe that they are an infallible, all-powerful & inescapable force of nature to be reckoned with; but the manner in which they operate speaks to something wholly opposite: they slink and hide in the shadows like a crack addict looking for their next rock or like a wanted fugitive constantly looking over their shoulder for the long arm of the law to ominously swoop down on them…this is NOT the way a sure of themselves, fearless, heroic world leader FUNCTIONS. This is the way a deeply psychologically disturbed, down-to-it’s-last-fix addict, who has no self-esteem left, no integrity, who is cowardly at their core and is convinced that they don’t have anything left to lose, behaves. A cornered, feral animal is what you have here. What we are witnessing at work here is the archetypical CRIMINAL that the above agencies SWEAR THEY are in the business of protecting the general public from.HA! As if..tell me, how can you genuinely expect JUSTICE from an organized network of CRIMINALS? Maybe I’m missing something here.

So I guess the question is: Must you become a criminal to snag what you view as a criminal? The answer is staring you right in the face if you are reading this blog. Back to the movie Control Factor: I guess if the CIA/FBI continues to co-opt hollywood and use them in the same way that they used authors like Gloria Naylor, Evelyn Waugh and even Orwell in the past to discreetly tell the public about their secret plans, then I guess we really shouldn’t be surprised that this film would try to make out the establishment as the hero in the end as opposed to the devil they really are. After all the devil IS in the details and I’m sure they are hoping we don’t notice them or even better–we are oblivious to them. A little revisionist history and embellishment of the truth is what hollywood after all is known for.. 

As I mentioned many times before non-person shill Janet Lauritsen Beumer’s son is Derek J. Beumer, who is reportedly a hollywood film producer. Makes it plausible that the so-called intelligence community is in bed with hollywood. I wouldn’t put ANYTHING past these troglodytes. I guess the best way for a cowardly bitch to do their dirty work is to sneak and skulk in the shadows and/or use easily manipulated dullards and lost souls to do the heavy lifting for you. It’s the american way it appears.. I mean that with every fiber of my being. You can’t even really call those responsible for these pogroms ‘human’. Maybe human-like or humanoid. But human? Maybe evolutionary throwbacks. But definitely a devolution. A species regression as it were. And they actually think they are superior to the masses on the planet. Laughable. 

How is it that these people ostensibly ‘rule’ the world and have if not literally, metaphorically, commandeered this runaway train called humanity toward a steep cliff and is ready to kill not only themselves but all of us in the train with them? They have amassed most of the wealth, all of the power, though illusory, have availed themselves of unfettered access to most of the finite natural resources on the planet–YET, is it enough and do they appear satiated or happy? Take a look around you? Does it appear those who are mad with power and starved for more are happy with their spoils? No, it doesn’t look that way from my vantage point either. They APPEAR to be miserable fucks who are certifiably out of their minds. Seeing boogeymen around every corner. CREATING boogeymen where none exist to JUSTIFY their incessant paranoia. And these are the ‘people’ who populate the CIA, the FBI, the NSA, the DoD,the MI5’s, the Mossads and the other sundry domestic and foreign unknown or unnamed govt agencies or proxies working on their behalf. This is what your tax $$ are financing. This is what your obedience and apathy is feeding and encouraging. The same type of beast that was Nazi Germany. I guess we as humans never do learn, do we? 

Let me now describe some of the sick,demented COINTELPRO/MK-ULTRA tactics used in the beginning of my Targeting initiation: Some of the scenarios that I was subjected to that were conceived by what I believe is US government/military developed technology that is able to cull thoughts, fears, desires, and subsequently some latent psycho pinhead (probably originating in the psychiatry or mental health field) then coming up with ‘skits’ that played and/or fed on those respective fears–for example, if you have a fear of spiders, perhaps ‘they’ use that fear by making you believe that forces unseen, maybe neighbors you don’t particularly know are planning to unleash spiders into your home or maybe if you are hetereo, they introduce sudden ,out of nowhere ‘thoughts’ that you’ve never had before, that make you question your sexuality–and miraculously they KNOW exactly what aberrant thoughts you are having, right down to the last tawdry detail!; unbeknownst to me at the time, I had become a target of the sick, demented ‘prank’ that was at once all too real, that was acted out on a stage that only I was aware of and turned out to be some twisted homage to the twilight zone–unfortunately tho for those of us targeted, it’s not a tv show, comes with no commercial breaks, there is no ‘gotcha you’re on candid camera’ at the end of the day, it continues to this day and it isn’t some alternate reality but the clear and obvious manifestation of the sociopathic, demented minds that populate some of the highest levels of the United States government & Military.

I want to give you specific instances of the type of mind games the government took the time to carefully cultivate; my reactions to them and I also want to close with what I believe (as a victim of voice to skull for over 9 months now–this was originally written in 2012, it is now 2015 and I am adding to my recollections, as my original blog was deleted.) is the scope and capabilities of the technology, as I have experienced it, and what it’s limitations and failings are (and there are many). If I can give insight into what probably is happening all over the world to people who haven’t a clue initially of what’s going on–then I’ve done more than was possible in my case. 

NOTE: Voice to Skull: has been described as advanced US military grade technology purportedly utilizing the Frey Effect, that can, in lay men’s terms, ‘beam recognizable words & phrases into Targets’ brains; bypassing the ears.’ That’s the lie based on my own personal experience with it. 

Based on my over 5 years of continuously hearing this so called advanced technology, I can say unequivocally, at least in MY case; this shit can’t beam words directly into your skull while bypassing your ears. I have at different times in the 5+ years of being subjected to it daily, blocked it out partially or completely & distorted it, by alternately using ear plugs; using neo-dymium magnet ear rings; wearing headphones playing music or spoken word; pushing rolled up cotton into my ear and even stupidly using rolled up paper towel..(which I wouldn’t advise for obvious reasons)..of course out of desperation, I’m sure there are TIs who’ve tried worse. But what i found is that the ‘voices and chatter’ could be muffled, distorted, drowned out and they could also be completely blocked out at times. Now it was never a permanent block but it provided relief at the time that was much needed. Necessity is the mother of invention, right?

So 5+ years later, I STILL sleep with headphones on playing music. You do what you have to do. And now, I can say that i may hear the chatter less than 5 minutes out of a full 24 hour day (except on what I call laughingly the ‘first of the month’–which is when I believe that those who are actively ‘monitoring’ me remotely and reporting back to whatever criminal organization they work for, take your pick–CIA, NSA, FBI, M6, the Mossad..doesn’t matter which one, they are all criminals in my book–and have to ‘justify’ why they still should be provided what is, without a doubt, in my mind, at least—continued government funding..this used to happen like clockwork in the 1st week of the month, but I guess when they noticed that I noticed there was an uptick in activity on the same days each month, they changed it up..but it still happens. They just may break it up or try to be slick. But these are dull paper pushers. It doesn’t take much to figure it out. It just shows you that government bureaucracy exists even in insane asylums. Apparently. 

But back to what I ‘hear’ today–again it usually amounts to a total of maybe 5 minutes out of a full 24 hour day and it’s usually 1 to 5 word oft-repeated phrases. Certainly, nothing like the 24 hour non stop assault that I had to deal with in the beginning. Now I believe this is simply the US government’s amateur attempt at artificial intelligence computer-to-brain-interface. It plays back oft-repeated phrases based on my thoughts and memory. And a simple change in the way I hold my tongue, for example, can block it out. So I said all of that to say: there is NO way that if this was capable of beaming words or phrases directly into a Target’s skull or brain, bypassing the ears and the cochlea; would I have been successful in blocking it or diminishing it’s effects in the years I’ve been exposed to it. No way. Probably more deliberate dis-info and lies from the people who make their living at doing just that.

Now on to what I experienced in the beginning as a Targeted Individual, honestly before I even knew the term or what it meant:
The first ruse that I was aware of that was used by the sick minds that use CoIntelpro/Mk-ULTRA on steroids, was by feeding me info via Voice to Ear that I was living in a half way house full of mentally disturbed individuals. Each ‘character’ was introduced to me via V2k, I never SAW most of the people whom I was led to believe I was hearing and responding the beginning, since I thought I was actually hearing people in the above apartment having conversation with me; I responded out loud as if I was speaking to someone in a loud, crowded environment and of course, at that time I had NO IDEA I was the only person who could hear these ‘voices’ & then later, I guess because I was talking too loud and my neighbors started rightfully complaining, this is when the fascists switched tactics & revealed to me that they could read my thoughts and from then on, I only ‘communicated’ with these unseen perps via thought. 

I will detail in another post specifically how Voice to Ear was revealed to me and how I first came to realize that there is technology, that according to the info available, has been around for decades, at the very least.. this technology can read sub-vocalized thoughts (think about it this much the same way that EKGS pick up electrical activity of the heart, this technology also picks up electrical magnetic readings, only it's brain I understand it can 'read' the activity and decipher what a person is thinking..Orwellian, isn't it? And of course, we see this kind of sensitive technology has fallen into the hands of the most depraved and wretched..but what else is new?) yes, sad to say these psychological cripples have access to something like this, but based on my experiences, it IS true… most of the voices I heard were either other casually known tenants in the building (mostly the upstairs neighbor, LaSandra Rose); but some I had never actually seen in the building. As I write this I remember that there was only one family excluded from the V2k voices I would hear daily and it was a Jamaican family that lived on the 2nd floor. I wonder why? I’ve read that supposedly there is technology that can ‘clone’ voices’ but if that’s the case, are foreign voices harder to clone? Doubtful. What it says to me, is that more than likely they were the only ones in that building probably not paid to record their voices because I believe emphatically that everyone else whose voice I heard were paid dupes and shills. The reason I believe this? I have now been living in the same apartment building for the past 5 years since V2k was 1st revealed in 2010 and not once have I heard any of the voices of the current crop of tenants I am familiar with, used. Different city but if they were really cloning voices, they’ve had plenty of time to do that here; which says to me they more than likely paid people in LA. And I haven’t seen anything since that makes me think differently.

So the introduction of V2k out of no where, along with elaborate ‘street theatre’ or vignettes, as I like to call them, is how this government-sponsored non-stop harassment started for me around 2009. This was the beginning of the set up that sent me on a wild goose chase created by the government to then complain to others in the building (whom I believe were if not directly involved in this sick, twisted game, they were at least aware that I was a target and perhaps even aware that it had happened to others before)–after becoming aware of what I was initially led to believe was round-the-clock monitoring by an older, creepy white lady who presented herself as the property landlord/owner --Janet Lauritsen Beumer (1322 Woodruff Ave, Santa Monica, CA 90024) and an unseen/unknown crew in the above apartment that was heard by me constantly & whom I believed watched me in my apartment 24/7 via what I thought at the time were hidden cameras. A few examples of why I thought this: I would hear these 'voices' commenting on what i was eating, making vulgar, graphic comments about my body as I took a shower (and b/c I thought there were hidden cameras in the apartment, I had gotten into the habit of taking showers at night but of course since this was really 'fed' audio that was 'thought' activated, this didn't stop the voices, which were of both men and women); I also had gotten into the habit of watching TV on mute once V2k became an everyday/all day occurrence & yet I still heard running commentaries from these 'voices' as to what I was watching, saying things such as: 'Are you watching this again?'...Yes..this is the sickness that is your government at work. 

I also initially thought they were hacking my computer and with the assistance of hidden cameras, had the ability to see all of the activities inside my apartment.  I started complaining of course, to pretty much anyone who would listen–fellow neighbors, friends, family, the local police, local media, national media, state and federal authorities (ironically, the FBI & CIA--both of whom I'm sure are actually behind this or at the very least, deeply involved) as well as various congress people—all with no response. So initially, I thought this was perhaps the work of a lone nut..Janet L. Beumer, the supposed landlord/owner of the property (whose business Wellman Property is probably just a front company) but then I thought about all of the things happening in concert: the constant computer hacking, being able to see what i was doing & also being able to 'see' what I actually was viewing with my eyes (b/c believe me the V2k voiced commentary on everything), the fact that even when i was out and about I still heard the V2k, and later when I called cops, they started inferring that I was crazy--all of these things together made me quickly come to the realization that no one random criminal--- even one with connections--- was going to have access to this kind of advanced technology without being vetted or authorized by the US government. I mean, this is not the kind of equipment you just pick up at the local Walmart. There was just no way if it was being used on me, the US govt/military wasn't involved. Some where or some how.

So the voices quickly then went to work on my insecurities/fears–making me think that b/c I couldn’t smell (every since army basic training and the ‘gas chamber’ exercise w/tear gas I haven’t been able to smell) in keep in mind, that I hadn't had any intimate conversations with my landlord or anyone else in the building to have given out this info, but all of the sudden the voices are feeding me scenarios where 2 women whom I had never seen before but proclaimed that they lived in the bldg in an upstairs apt–were apparently so sickened by a purported smell that was coming from my apartment (that I of course couldn’t smell) that they wanted to move out of their apartment and break their lease, that is, of course unless my landlord, Jan, would somehow get me out of the building instead. 

So day after day, this scenario got played out, with ever more tenants in the apt building complaining to Jan about the supposed smell emanating from my apartment. I would ‘hear’ this day after day, of course, until I really believed that there was a smell coming from my apartment–this of course, was a lie–a ruse, there was no smell, but of course since I lived by myself I had no way of corroborating or rejecting this out of hand. This 'ruse' was created to play on what the mind reading/thought mining technology (manned by US govt via Intel agencies and/or their proxies/contractors) had come to conclude was a weakness of mine that could be exploited. There was even a 'recording' of what sounded like a cop coming to my apartment building hallway, apparently to kick me out b/c of the smell complaints from other tenants–I could hear what sounded like him coming close to my apartment door, yelling expletives about the imaginary smell and I’m assuming this ruse was created to hammer home my paranoia.

I’m assuming they were hoping I would take the bait and open the door–and honestly, I really don’t recall if I ever opened the door–probably the 1st time I heard this, I'm assuming that I would have–but of course there was no policeman there and it was simply computer generated sound created to make me think I was going crazy. Now think about the scenarios and ‘skits’ I have just described. Apparently there are a LOT of unemployed actors in LA who have been enlisted in the US govt’s sick schemes. All of these skits were pre-recorded and played back to me so that they sounded like they were in real time and happening live. Can you imagine the depraved, sick bastid at mostly likely the FBI/CIA/NSA who sits around all day on the american tax payer’s dime thinking of shit like this? This is YOUR government at work!! So very very comforting, isn’t it? 

Another scenario that happened early on is once the V2k was turned on and before I realized that it could be heard outside of my apartment–I went to a local drug store to pick up some prescribed meds for an infection, while there I overheard the voice that I recognized as one of the tenants that I knew to live in my bldg. It sounded like she was following me around the store,well since I was new to this, I went up and down the aisles trying to find the person I thought the voice belonged to–all to no avail. Eventually, I ‘heard’ this person tell the clerk at the back of the store to please let her out of the side door so that she could leave b/c someone (me) was waiting at the front of the store and she had ‘beef’ with me. I approached the clerk and asked her if she had let someone out the side door and of course she looked at me like I had two heads. I then watched and waited at the front of the store for like 30 minutes, thinking I would catch her coming out and then when she failed to come thru the front I heard her say that one of the cars in the front parking lot was hers. I went and wrote down the license plate number, now in hindsight, after countless hours of research and over 9 months of continuous harassment with v2k, it’s apparent that that person was never inside the store, it was all done remotely via the implants in my ears and I’m assuming they were hoping I would damage that car in the parking lot or do something else that would make me publicly appear mentally unstable and possibly get me arrested or committed. Again, never happened. But can you imagine yourself being subjected to this and not being aware that this sort of technology exists? What would YOU think? And doesn't that make you ponder about all of these ostensibly 'crazy and/or mentally ill' people who are summarily written off across the globe? What if they are just Targeted Individuals who just don't realize there is technology that exists that has the capability of feeding directed voice/sound to you that no one else around you can hear? Sort of sounds like the now commercial version of V2k that is called Audio Spotlight Technology marketed by a company called Holovision. I wonder do they know what kind of 'testing' was done to create this technology and if so, do they care? Doubtful. I would bet dollars to donuts, the company is a front company for a US government and/or 'intel' agency.

Whomever has made plans for me must be really frustrated and upset b/c they continuously FAIL. Continuously. The problem they encountered and probably didn’t foresee was that I never ever ONCE questioned my sanity. Not once. Which tells you how effective this ‘vetting’ process must be for the misnomered ‘intel’ agencies. Granted I had some stressful and trying times prior to this whole creepy US govt experiment unfolding–homelessness in the US homeless capital, LA; with no family around and then followed by a sudden and ‘mysterious’ medical ailment (which in retrospect, I believe was also part of the ruse) …Again, with all of this going on, I STILL never bought into the ‘crazy’ meme. I knew instinctively that I did not go from reasonable to insane and to an all of the sudden break with reality in one day. That wasn’t plausible to me then and it isn’t plausible to me now. I’ve been through worst and never broke down. And again, the voices that they were attempting to pass off as evidence of a 'mental breakdown' sounded like white, male prosecutor’s interrogating me–why would MY subconscious alter-ego be a damned  up tight, anal & arrogant sounding white boy? They didn’t even have the sense or courtesy to use a black woman’s voice. Arrogant and mentally ill. Classic US government. Classic. But I never believed for one second I had suffered a mental breakdown. It was just never believable to me. Then and certainly not now. And these idiots apparently were/are getting paid to fund this nonsense..

Apparently (and fortunately for me) a higher power is watching over and protecting me. From the beginning, I have been unwavering, consistent and resolute about what I was hearing and especially in the apt bldg in Hell-A (my nickname now for LA) The non-stop ‘chatter’  seemed absolutely as real as any other conversation that anyone would hear all day from people around them- though, i really couldn’t understand in the beginning how the conversations were so clear, since they were ostensibly coming from the apartment upstairs; but I just came to accept (and was FED this info from the voices that sounded like the landlord, Janet L. Beumer) that the building, which is older was just poorly made and then was encouraged (via again janet lauritsen beumer’s/john beumer/ derek j beumer’s voice) that the apt I lived in (apt 103) was somehow equipped with listening devices b/c it was supposedly used as a drug den or used for drug sales. I had no way of knowing that what was being told and fed to me was simply a ruse to keep me off kilter and confused about what was really going on. Curiously, my apartment had been newly renovated right before my move-in with a totally new & updated kitchen & bathroom & the hardwood floors I love--coincidence? Have I mentioned that I no longer believe in 'coincidence'?

Janet Beumer’s voice indicated various scenarios in the beginning: that she was a drug dealer, that she had ‘done this before’, that she was only doing this to me b/c she knew I would survive, that I was one of her best ‘students or pupils ‘ thus far, that I would have a religious awakening b/c of this situation, that she thought perhaps I was DEA or some other type of plant b/c I didn’t seem to be scared of the death threats by the various voices; she also had me believing that there was video footage posted on the internet of me in compromising sexual positions that she had posted; that she had been into my apt at various times and had slipped me drugs but that I seemed to be resistant to them b/c I hadn’t become hooked–ALL TOTAL BS--- but at the time I thought it was plausible–I didn’t know at the time about remote neural monitoring technology and that it can indeed remotely control internal organs which includes accelerating heart rates that so many TIs describe. (So when it first happened to me, I easily believed that maybe she had slipped me drugs and I just didn’t know it. I then fell into another trap laid and called an ambulance thinking I had been drugged and in my short stay in the ER, the V2k was in full force. Taunting me the whole time. Again, I believe this too was an effort to make me think I was going crazy. Since I don’t know what goes on in the mind of the legitimately mentally ill, I can’t say for sure–but it just never rang true for me that voices emanating from my brain organically as a black woman, would sound like white male detectives. It did not compute. I have just never bought it and they obviously weren’t & aren’t convincing enough to make it believable to me. Then or now.

Janet Beumer’s ‘voice’ also indicated initially that she had bought the mind reading technology on the ‘black market’ and then changed it to ‘being given it by a friend who worked in defense contracting–as you can see this bitch is a full-fledged pathological, sociopathic liar (and obviously made for this type of job) and I imagine for most of the uninitiated and unaware it would have clearly been enough to make the average person question their sanity. But again, I’m apparently not the average b/c then as is the case now, tho this story probably sounds as far fetched and contrived as they come–I KNOW IT TO BE 1000% true as well as NOT in the slightest caused by any mental malaise–at least not on MY part! But you have to give them an A for effort b/c they certainly tried. Once I began complaining to friends and family, I had a couple friends who suggested that perhaps I needed to go speak to ‘someone’ can guess, who that ‘someone’ hindsight, I can’t blame them. Hell, if you are reading this and you are sane and not working for any of the criminally insane government agencies mentioned above–then you probably think this story is crazy too. To say the least. If I hadn’t of LIVED it; I’d concur. But again, instinctively, I knew there was nothing wrong with me and that what I was hearing was somehow being fed externally via technology. The FIRST day, I surmised this. I didn’t know the HOW, but I just knew that to be the case.

But to calm my friend, I agreed to see a local head doctor (this was covered by a state program since I was still collecting state unemployment at the time) who patiently listened to what I’ve relayed here and without missing a beat, predictably wrote a prescription for ‘meds’. I politely thanked him and left and never filled that prescription. I knew that’s what I DIDN’T need. Psychotropics is what I believe they wanted me to get on so they could then say later on, that is the reason for the ‘chatter’. I wasn’t going it make it that easy though. (Side Note: I had taken prescribed psychotropics once previously (namely Prozac) for about 6 months in 2008 while homeless and looking for housing. Someone in passing informed me that the local outpatient PATH clinic had a women's shelter program that would house you for 6 months if you just went in and told them you were suffering from 'depression' this is what I did and with that, I was prescribed prozac (courtesy of the state of California) and was able to eventually secure a bed in the PATH cottages located at that time on Hoover Street in the Echo Park area of LA until I was able to get a housing voucher which is how I found the apartment located in South LA in 2008 where V2k became a daily part of my life. I should also note that as soon as I moved into the West Blvd apartment I promptly ceased taking the prozac and never took another pill again. I believe when I stopped there was still half a bottle left.  I will also discuss why I think the US government criminal elements funding this harassment want people like me to be summarily dismissed as schizos or paranoids—and because of that they MUST introduce psychotropics some where in the picture. Otherwise, the crackpot dismissal isn’t as effective.

The next re-occurring scenario focused on sexuality and then attempts to make me believe out of nowhere I had pedophile tendencies and even the preposterous and sick accusation that I secretly wanted to have sex with my adult son. Yes, I know..sick, and more sick. All of this being fed to me. I couldn’t see who was doing the ‘speaking’. They were voices, mostly of white males again that were not recognizable to me. And they basically were ‘grilling’ me virtually. Think about how newscasters or tv personalities have ‘in ear’ mics that feed them info and instructions–but we, as the audience, cannot hear any of the conversations. That was my experience. Except ALL of the convo was negative, denigrating, bullying, violent, accusatory, threatening. And in the beginning, this was happening 24/7. I could not escape the chatter. I woke up hearing it and when I laid down at night to TRY to sleep, I still heard it.  As far as the preposterous claims of pedophilia or thoughts of incest went…they were just that. Preposterous and baseless. 

But from what i have now learned about the very ‘standard protocol’ of Targeting; this seems to be the norm–accusations of pedophilia and other sexual perversions. I knew it didn’t apply to me, because as an over 40 adult, I KNOW damn well what floats my boat and children are not it and never have been, so I knew instinctively this had to be part of some sort of psy ops and this was even before going online and seeking out an explanation of what was happening to me.
So after this I believe the next phase of the mind screw was to have me believe that people were actually viewing me in my most intimate moments–in the shower and bathroom. As I mentioned, I began to hear men and women making lewd and lascivious comments about my body whenever I went into the bathroom, they even went so far as to comment about the frequency and consistency of my bowel movements! Now you tell me what frickin’ schizophrenia symptoms that stems from! I’d like to meet a true schizophrenic whose ‘special friends’ go to these lengths to denigrate & humiliate. 

This is the US govt’s sick idea of the art of war & co-intelpro dirty tricks made completely REMOTE and possible by what I believe is nano implants of some kind that have been covertly placed in my body. This is why I am still being targeted 120 miles away from LA with voice to skull and synthetic sound that includes amplified & projected sounds that I can’t tell from which direction they originate, bamming, bumping, thumping & even 'mooing' sounds that are made to make me think my current neighbors are a mere continuation of the harassment that was manufactured in Los Angeles. This is why Janet Lauritsen Beumer/John Beumer/Derek J Beumer said early on: No matter where you go there will be crazy neighbors. 

I’ve also ‘been hearing’ since I moved back to San Diego, that Jan and the whole crew were moving here also and have even implied they are already here–more bunk–those cowards wouldn’t come to chance a face to face encounter with me now, even if guaranteed protection. I guess that statement, like so many others, was meant to make me anxious and super paranoid. Didn’t work. Ever. I’ve never feared these cowards and that has never changed. 

Early on I realized the tactics used were those used by bullies and elementary school aged ones at that. This whole operation smacks of amateurs: from the ineffective attempts to convince me the ever running looped recordings are ‘live’; that whatever govt agency that is feeding the lame excuse for ‘artificial intelligence’ into my ears needs to go back to the drawing board b/c it’s not fooling anyone–a live human doesn’t know the difference between an upstairs apt and a downstairs one? Doesn’t know the difference between pizza and toast? (recently I was warming up some PIZZA & the recording which is presented as if it’s ‘live’ humans speaking, said “oh you burned your toast”, well I immediately started thinking you don’t know the difference between pizza and toast? Not ONCE was I corrected. So I’m to believe a reasonable human adult wouldn’t have KNOWN it was pizza and not toast and would have been that easily confused?!! THIS IS WHAT THE IMPOTENT, amateurish, buffoonish United States government’s seriously woeful ATTEMPT at artificial intelligence comes up with to make ME think I’m crazy?!! Obviously there is some SERIOUS projection going on!! 

If I really had schizophrenia , doesn’t it seem likely that I would still KNOW the difference between toast and pizza and that voices organically coming from my brain wouldn’t be fooled by me saying it was toast instead?!! This shit is NOT rocket science but apparently it’s too complex for the governments sad attempt at artificial intelligence. Artificial STUPIDITY if you ask me. Or maybe they are using the old, out-dated version of A.I. on me. But I doubt it. This probably IS the best they have to offer. What a sick, sick joke. If this is the best the US has to offer in the way of A.I., China will soon dust your ass. 

I will give credit where it’s due, the initial entraining works well if the target is totally unaware of this technology (as I’m sure most Targeted Individuals are initially); it’s capabilities and the methods used by the government (with the caveat that again once the target has knowledge of what’s going on and that they are in fact being targeted by a computer–the ‘gig’ is up–it renders it impotent if the purpose is in fact to get the target to interact with the A.I. computer program)–once that window of opportunity is closed I cannot imagine that it would open again and have yet to see anything from this pogrom that would indicate it CAN be opened once closed. Try as they may; hasn’t happened in my case. Can’t see it happening with anyone who hasn’t descended into madness, which I personally think would be a small percentage of TIs. I have actually come to believe they chose us specifically because they surmised we would be able to survive and learn to navigate around this technology. In my opinion, they are looking to gather long-term ‘data research’. And the longer we survive as TIs, the more money they stand to make. Ultimately, in their mind, this is simply a business venture. No different than the American companies who financed Hitler’s slave labor camps. These kinds of sick ‘beings’ have always made money off of others' misery. I don’t believe they know any other way.

The point I want to drive home is that based on my experience, this technology does not work as it’s widely described online–as a slow kill, mind control weapon. It may indeed slowly kill but so will eating Mickey D’s daily. Or drinking certain municipalities' tap water. Just ask the people of Flint, Michigan..ironically, which is where I grew up. Is that factoid related to my current US government targeting? Who knows? Well, I'm sure somebody knows, but I certainly can't say for sure. Wouldn't doubt it, though. In my opinion, with all the death weapons at the US military’s disposal, I’m sure if they REALLY wanted to kill people like me; there are more efficient ways of doing so. But then again, we are talking about the US military who can’t even keep track of spending and are known for waste; so maybe they do see this as ‘efficient’? lol.. Bottom line: V2k doesn’t work long term. Not on the average mentally healthy, even barely functioning & intelligent adult. NOTE: A little advice to those who are still dealing with the daily audio non-stop assault that is V2k: keep your tongue away from the roof of your mouth. Just become acclimated to placing it anywhere but the roof of your mouth on a regular basis. This is how I believe it comes thru & also at night, if you can close your fingers or fold your hands into your armpits or somehow not have your fingers/digits exposed (yes, I know hot and uncomfortable) but I believe it piggybacks on them so that you hear it more clearly. I'm not guaranteeing that this will work for you but it's helped me. And also keep in mind that after a few months they may be able to adjust/attenuate the technology so that one position no longer blocks the V2k..just move your tongue into another position. And let me add: this tactic never completely blocks the V2k..but it does cut down the frequency. As I mentioned prior, I now maybe hear bits and pieces through out the day, totally maybe 5 or 10 minutes max..compared to non-stop 24 hour chatter I heard in the beginning. Huge difference. Especially if you have a life. And though these sick, degenerate bastids would love to believe otherwise, you can still have one---with family, friends, work, school or whatever. This option is certainly cheaper than any of these expensive equipment and/or technology company schemes claiming a cure-all for the effects we deal with from being targeting with directed energy weapons that you see advertised all over sites that cater to TIs. And you can't beat free.

 Now, does V2k work as an initial ‘interrogation’ tool to knock ‘enemies’ off-kilter and even perhaps push those teetering on the precipice of insanity over the edge? A definite yes, for the former based on my own personal experience & especially if unaware of the technology; and more than likely on the latter. And on children? Yes, I can see that easily. As a matter of fact, this sounds like it was MADE for children and I can see it being useful as a tool of trauma on a young, impressionable child, which seems to be an ongoing interest of elements of the US government, especially after reading about cases like those chronicled in the book: The Franklin Scandal. I certainly wouldn’t put it past them. 

Another aspect of this technology that I don't think I've mentioned here before is behavior modification. What I have noticed that has been effective is elements of modifying behaviors. For instance, prior to this, I was somewhat a neat freak, not overly so; but I would definitely clean up promptly and liked things in their proper place...and I have also experienced really weird, sick 'urges' that never happened prior--like for instance, the urge to lick the toilet seat or eat something gross that I would never ordinarily consider--like a piece of lint or something disgusting, like something on the ground--I definitely attribute these 'urges' which are never strong enough to make me even remotely consider them, but they are strong enough where I'm cognizant that they exist--to this technology. These 'urges' are not ongoing and I believe are regulated by whatever government or contractor freak is at the control panel. I actually haven't noticed them in some months now. They used to be more regular. Now to be clear, I wouldn't say I'm like the kind of extreme cases you see featured on TV shows like Hoarders or Strange Addictions (both shows, I wholeheartedly believe feature people who are unaware Targeted Individuals who are being exploited as sick 'entertainment' as an added insult to injury)..but I can see the difference in these particular behaviors and wholeheartedly believe this is a direct result of this technology. I'd be willing to bet on it.

As of today in 2016, I believe that what I am experiencing is the culmination of life-long targeting and not something that began in 2010 when it was revealed to me–& so perhaps this is just another phase of the Nazi/US government programming that runs it’s course and at middle age has to be ‘rebooted’ for those of us who have ‘awakened’ somehow & this is how they try to ‘scare’ us back into the Matrix? Who knows? lol..anything is possible. The hows and the whys are speculative; but I DO know that whatever the source--- it’s not internal nor naturally occurring. Nor do I believe this to be the Frankenstein/Nazi creation of the US alone. I wholly believe this is a joint venture, involving many global players who are also using this against their own citizens; including most ‘western’ nations. All you have to do is type in the term: Targeted Individuals and see how prevalent this phenomena is worldwide today and how it has essentially become one of the greatest crimes against humanity, hiding in plain sight.

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