Ha..they thought they could erase my testimony..NOT…
Let me start off by introducing myself..I am a woman. I am Black. I
am a so-called military veteran of the US Army. I am middle aged. I am
intelligent. I am an artist. I am passionate about justice and my
people. I am flawed. I am perfectly imperfect and I am a Targeted Individual.
Not because of the any of the aforementioned because I believe my
targeting doesn’t just include me; but my immediate family–perhaps for
generations back. How far back this goes I don’t know but I am sure that
the covert, illegal targeting of people like me, is in effect, another
form of the Tuskegee Experiment, CoINTELPRO, MK-ULTRA, and The
Jonestown, Guyana Experiment (what is now being confirmed as a failed
CIA mind control experiment)..all rolled into one. This blog was
originally started by me in 2010, while living in L.A., when my
targeting was ramped up with 24 hour auditory harassment (widely
referred to as Voice to Skull or V2k)..it was started as a virtual diary
to try to sort out what was happening. It was cathartic and cleansing
at the time and allowed me to release all of the pent up anger and
frustration I was feeling at the time. The original blog: http://www.rosemarysbabiesandcompany.blogspot.com
was recently deleted..it wasn’t updated regularly by me and I hadn’t
checked on it in at least a year but I didn’t delete it. I don’t know if
it was the federal criminal network that some call the US government or
their proxies (including Google..since I see that readers from India, S. Korea & Germany were on my visitor entries almost as fast as I posted); but the only remains of the blog are to be found on web
archives like waybackmachine.com, which is where I was able to copy
& salvage bits of the original blog. That’s the bad news. The good
news is that this allows me to take bits of that original blog and
create something new in it’s place. I have been aware of being a TI for
over 5 years now and I hope that my testimony can help others who may be
newly ‘initiated’ to what I consider the greatest on going crime
against humanity being perpetrated by elements of the US government;
hiding in plain sight. Below is my testimony, my truth..100% in my own
words. It may not be a pretty read or always p.c…but it is MINE. I make
NO apologies for anything I’ve written or expressed herein. I’ve earned
the right to my opinions, my truth and my anger. Those reading this
don’t have to agree, understand or co-sign. And after having echoed the
same truths to many many people, whether verbally or via email (I have
emailed politicians, lawyers, journalists, the Int’l Court of Justice,
various embassies and government heads, so-called celebs, etc..pretty
much anyone I thought should be made aware of this story, my story..and
pretty much to a person (save for the attorney of former Gitmo prisoner
& German national, Murat Kurnaz–he actually sent a cryptic
response: ‘I can’t help you.’)..but beyond that, I have heard crickets.
Some may say it’s because the story I relay is so bizarre and beyond the
pale, that most reading it— would automatically think it either fiction
or that I’m crazy. Unfortunately, for the world– neither is the case.
What I AM is a canary in the mine. One of possibly thousands;
if not millions. The crimes of state the US government and it’s proxies
are perpetrating against Targeted Individuals like me, today and
perhaps going back for generations, is ultimately what I believe they
PLAN to eventually implement en masse. That is, of course, if they
haven’t already chipped and activated pretty much everyone. If this is
your first exposure to a discussion about this covert US
government-sponsored crime against humanity, or what I call, the ’21st
Century Tuskegee/Auschwitz’ hiding in plain sight–after reading my
account, you will no longer be able to say you haven’t been warned. Devonah Blackwell, 2015
—The Below was originally written in 2010—
Ok, let me get this out the way, the basic premise of the website is to allow me to vent about an incredibly odd and admittedly, hard to believe, occurrence happening in my life right now–something I just discovered a name for–organized stalking. Before I get into the definition of that, i want to give you a little background about what led to this “stalking”, who some of the players are (to my knowledge) and what I believe precipitated these daily occurrences, as well, as why I believe I’m being targeted.
Well, let’s start at the beginning, shall we? Well, in October of 2008 (after about a 2 yr spate of seemingly not-so-great-luck), I found an apt in south l.a., moved in, and life was pretty much the norm. Nothing out of the ordinary about my neighbors, my neighborhood or my life in terms of routine.
All that changed about a year later when I became laid off and found myself at home more. In the beginning, what I noticed sporadically, was what i thought was somebody in the apt above me following me from room-to-room. Of course, most people when they think they hear something like this, they automatically think, “nah, I must be mistaken.” Because who would expend energy following someone else from room-to-room?
I mean, that’s what any reasonable person would think, right? I’ve heard of stalking someone from location to location, but um, from room-to-room, inside an apt? Too strange for words. Well, of course, turns out, i wasn’t mistaken. It kept happening with more frequency until I noticed not only was i being basically stalked from room-to-room, this “person” was also following into the bathroom above me as I showered. How do I know this? I would hear them bumping up against the wall above me as I went about my showering routine. Quite bizarre, isn’t it? Just my damn luck too. Most people have the luxury of having stalkers who follow them from home to work and maybe to the grocery store; I get a damn stalker who’s a shut-in.Ain’t no way to get away from them.
Your home is supposed to be your castle. Well mine was about to become a prison. Real quick. Ok, so back to the story. So after hearing and noticing this in-apt stalking for probably a month or so, I started inquiring to the landlord as to whether the person upstairs was perhaps “mentally ill”? She I believe said as far as she knew, that wasn’t the case and that there was one lone woman who lived upstairs. Well, ok, I’m thinking, whomever it is, she must have a lot of time on her hands and can’t be mentally stable to spend the energy and time it takes to follow me from room-to-room.
After contacting the landlord and seeing no change in frequency of the stalking, I then tried another tact. I decided to write a note for the woman and put it by her door. Basically, I may as well admit that I can be a tactless heffa. lol..there’s no way around it. no denying it. I can be. By this time, I was kind of pissed, I’ll admit, so the wording of the note may have not been the most delicate. But my thinking was that she and I “knew” what was going on, so why beat around the bush and pretend otherwise? I wanted the behavior to end, and I wasn’t gonna mince words. Hey, what can I say?
Now having said all of that, I still had expectations at this time that I was dealing with a reasonably sane person, so I felt like the note should alert this person that I knew what “they” were doing and that should have resolved the situation. In my mind, that’s what should have happened. Au contraire. That’s not the way it went down. lol. silly me. I heard the moment the person upstairs read the note, there was all kinds of yelling and stomping in their hallway and it sounded like a conversation between 2 people being had and it sounded to me like they were laughing about the note and it’s contents. Well, suffice it to say. Resolution was not at hand.
Escalation of noise and stalking is what resulted. This was in December of 09. Well, of course, I immediately contacted the landlord and started complaining about the noise and asking questions. She seemed to be genuinely interested and upset about what I was describing. But I was to discover later that concern was anything but genuine. Anyhoo, on to the story: some more background. The building that I live in is probably almost a century old and hence it’s really quite easy to hear conversations in the apt above me. I’ve heard her conversations (especially in my bedroom) and I’m assuming she’s heard mine.
I started noticing bamming on walls in the bedroom and stomping on the floor above me. Ofttimes I would spend my time in the bedroom on my computer and would intermittently hear stomping above my head. This continued on the daily; along with my complaints to the landlord and even my approaching the woman whom I believed to live above me. I asked her a couple of times if she lived alone or if she was the 1 making the bamming/stomping noises and each time she would reply that she lived alone. One incident included me making remarks about calling the police if the noise continued and her retort was that she would call the police on me for “threatening her”.
And added that she had informed the landlord of my purported threat. Now this chick on the surface “looked normal” but it was about to become obvious to me how so untrue that was. I had never threatened her. What I did immediately after that statement was made was to come in and call the landlord and pointedly ask her if the woman upstairs (who i will from here on out refer to as satan II, government name: LaSandra Rose), had told her I threatened her. The landlord said “no, she never mentioned anything like that to me.” I began to more than suspect there were mental issues at hand here. That basically solidified that feeling. But no matter. The noise and stalking continued unabated.
One day though, I realized after having the landlord inform me that Satan II was supposedly enrolled in school and what days she should be attending; i noticed as soon as she left, there seemed to be footsteps of someone coming into the bedroom to sit. It was like clockwork. That’s when I pretty much guessed that Satan II had company and maybe this is who was doing the stomping & stalking. Didn’t matter to me who was doing it, I just wanted it to stop. Immediately. lol..of course, people in hell want ice water too. Don’t think that’ll be forthcoming anytime soon either.
Anyhoo, so the noise continued, even to the point that I would try to “hide” in my hallway to see what would happen if the perp couldn’t hear me walking from room-to-room. Well, imagine my horror at the reaction I got: pacing back and forth, ostensibly to “find me”; bamming on walls, incredibly loud stomping, sometimes these tirades or temper tantrums would last for 20 or 30 minutes at a time. How others in my bldg couldn’t hear this or weren’t aware of this, I couldn’t understand. There was only ONCE that i remember where someone in another apt actually came and knocked on Satan II’s door after one of the tirades. It was about 1230 in the morning, so I’m assuming maybe they were awakened but of course, satan didn’t answer the door, but that did stop that particular tirade. So to make this story a little quicker, about 3 or 4 months into this ridiculous situation (with the landlord appearing to be interested, even offering to come sit at my apt to see if she could “hear the noise”–of course, she never did)
I decided to go over the landlord’s head since she appeared in my opinion, to being playing both sides to the middle. I ended up having no faith in her sincerity to fix the situation after hearing satan II repeat something that I told the landlord via email. There is no way this woman would have overheard me saying this; the only plausible explanation could be is that the landlord was going back telling her everything I was saying to her. So in my opinion, i was never going to get results dealing with the landlord. Since at this time, it was pretty evident to me that the woman didn’t live alone, I decided to go to my local housing authority and complain. Now some may say that was an extreme move, but after 4 or 5 months of trying to personally go the source of the problem; going to my landlord and seemingly getting nothing but the run-around in my opinion, I felt that this was a last resort but perhaps a way to get something done.
I definitely wasn’t able to enjoy living in this environment and since i was paying rent, i felt it patently unfair that I should have to live with this day-in and day-out—anyhoo, to make a long story short (again you probably can tell by now this is so not true-ahem), what ended up transpiring is that I decided that the landlord was not operating in good faith and I basically stopped communicating with her via email. This is when it turns bizarre. Ok, remember when i said that the bldg is old and you can pretty much hear conversations between my apt and the apt above me? Well, one day i was in the living room (which i rarely sat in) and I heard conversation above me between satan II and someone else that basically indicated that 1) satan II was in possession of a tape of me that was of a sexual nature that obviously was filmed/videoed without my consent in my bedroom and 2)
According to her, i had been watched by her for at least 6 months via hidden cameras that were located in my apt; cameras that were installed and authorized by the landlord! Well, suffice it to say, I was pissed as hell! I called the landlord to tell her what I had heard and her reply was a curt, “I don’t know anything about that.” Now you probably are thinking could this woman have made these statements as some sort of cruel, sick joke?! Yeah, could have been. But the ensuing activity after that let me know it wasn’t. All of the sudden the landlord (whose voice I obviously recognized) appeared upstairs trying to I guess get satan II to give her the incriminating “evidence.” Eventually, satan II relented and in what seems like almost a blur now–I went from basically a boring humdrum life to being a watched prisoner inside of my apt. More details on that next blog entry.
Part Deux–Must Be Something in the Water in LA
Ok, so last post I was giving a rundown of what brought me to where I am today–a target of daily 24/7 day a week surveillance in my apartment in south l.a. So let’s see, where I’d leave off? Oh, ok. Yeah, when it really turned bizarre. So um at this point, I had just discovered that my landlord had installed/authorized hidden cameras inside not only my apartment but according to satan II upstairs, the whole bldg was awash in cameras. Maybe this was truth. Maybe dis-information. But what I did know for sure was that soon after this declaration from satan II was made, I could hear my landlord’s voice coming from upstairs on the daily and I also started noticing that I hear comments made (from various unknown and some recognizable voices) about what was going on inside my apartment.
Unbelievable you say? Well, I can understand that. Most people, me included before this all happened, would be loathe to believe something like this. But how I knew it was real and I wasn’t just imagining it or being super paranoid is that the comments included accurate statements about: what I was eating, what i was doing in the kitchen, the contents inside my fridge, what I ate, what I cooked, what I watched on tv (mind you, i had gotten into the habit of watching my tv in the living room w/closed captioning since all this non-sense began, so it’s not like the perps upstairs could HEAR what was on my tv; they had to be watching me remotely)–so the logical conclusion I came to was that the landlord was viewing me with remote equipment from satan II’s apt I’m guessing to see if I would find and/or look for the hidden cameras that had been mentioned.
This is where shit gets funky. Not only do i start hearing what seemed like groups of people inside satan’s apt 24/7 shouting insults about me, making threats of violence, even death threats; I also now hear groups of people (both men and women) follow me into the bathroom making comments about the personal of activities up to and including my body parts and movements inside my shower. I am then forced to take showers at night. Now, maybe I should stop right here cuz I know most people would ask, “Well, why wouldn’t you get the fuck up outta there if all of this is going on?!!!”…well, there’s no simple answer for that. Not from me anyway. I’m a complex person. I’m also stubborn as hell. And I have an aversion to what I feel is injustice. Obviously, in my eyes, this was a clear-cut case of injustice and abuse of authority.
My thinking was how dare this woman (my landlord) think that she could not only video/film me without my consent with hidden cameras and then have the nerve to think she could scare me out of a place where I had basically paid this fool monthly to SPY on me!! The audacity!! I was enraged and I felt like I had to bring this woman to justice. Not just for me, but for anyone in the future who might have moved into the apt. The easy thing at that time would have been to move. In retrospect, that probably would have been the reasonable thing to do. But not having ever experienced this type of situation and not having ANY clue as to what type of psychopath i was dealing with; I felt that I could prevail. lol..i was naive.
Now, don’t get me wrong. As of this writing, I’m still in the throes of this, but I still believe in justice and I believe in karma. The parameters of both have greatly been reduced in the former case and expanded in the latter, but I know they both exist. I don’t ever believe I’ll wait on man’s justice but The Creator’s justice is omniscient,so I know it’s forthcoming. I have unshakable faith in that. But back to the story. So this is why I didn’t move. I wanted to be the last person this happened to. Simple huh? Well, hold up. Cuz it hasn’t worked out that way.
Not yet anyway. Ok, so after being forced to take showers at night b/c the landlord (who isn’t shy about going outside and yelling at night to invite people to come into satan’s apartment and “view me” in the shower)..oh yeah, let me backtrack, I’m sure you’re wondering since all of this crazy, bizarre behavior is ostensibly going on if I alerted the police or any other law enforcement? Well, duh! Of course, I did. And that’s when I found out intimately how limited man’s justice can be. the LAPD. Um, let me put it this way– after basically reading about the many infamous and notoriously illegal and structural abuses that they’ve been accused of over the years, I really didn’t have much faith in their abilities anyway, so let’s just say, they didn’t disappoint. In all fairness, I guess my crazy ass story (no matter how true) didn’t make it any easier. I basically was told that they were not in the hidden camera-sweeping biz & without definitive proof of the alleged cameras, their hands were tied and they couldn’t do anything. Okay.
Well, at least the officer I spoke to suggested I hire a private company to do it and once the cameras were discovered then they would be able to do something. So off I went. Calling/emailing 1st home security companies and then local private investigators. What I found out is that private investigation is the dominion of the wealthy. Or at least those who have more than a pot to piss in and a window to throw it out of. Which is what category I fall in. So suffice it to say, that was not an option.
Ok, so now, this is like the 1st full week of harassment and I started emailing any and every agency/entity I thought could or would help me: law enforcement (including fbi b/c by this time it was clear that the landlord was hacking into my computer as well as my email accounts), local news media, congressional reps, shit, the local dog catcher probably got an email from me around this time I was so desperate for somebody, anybody to listen to my situation. No success with that. Either they thought I was nuts probably or maybe felt that it was an unsubstantiated claim on my part and perhaps were worried about liability. So while all this was happening, I’m trying to go about life as normally as possible (and really how normal is that going to be?).
I’m aware of the constant surveillance from above me, increased activity in satan II’s apt. What was once an atmosphere of a morgue with it’s dead-air silence, soon turned into the opposite–so much traffic going in and out of satan’s apt it reminded me of ny’s grand central station. There appeared to be a party atmosphere to it. Constant chattering, laughing–of course in between the shouts dissecting every minute detail of my daily existence. Ok, I guess I should also address why I didn’t move out IMMEDIATELY at this point? Well, long story short–I detail this in another post, but having become homeless in LA, I ended up receiving a housing voucher via VA & then P.A.T.H., so I couldn’t just jump up and move. There are rules and regulations, hoops to jump thru and frankly at this time I was still in the “i’ma bring this bitch to justice” mode. I’m just being honest.
So anyway, life as I knew it was about to leave just run-of-the-mill freaky into the Ripley’s Believe It or Not realm. One day as i was lying on my couch (as I had stopped sleeping in my bedroom by this time and had taken to sleeping in the living room), i noticed that i could hear people upstairs repeating what I was thinking to myself—um, yup, let me repeat that–I could CLEARLY hear people upstairs (who it appeared to be going between satan II’s apt and the apt diagonally across from it) repeating what I WAS THINKING–not saying out loud. But what I was thinking to myself. Now, at first I was like WTF!?? I mean, that would be a normal reaction right? But after hearing the accurate repeat of my thoughts for about 30 minutes I knew, instinctively i guess, that somehow, some way, there apparently had to be a device that was reading my thoughts. It really was just a simple acceptance. Why? Probably b/c of my fascination with true crime. And maybe my feeling that the sci-fi movies that we see had to have their genesis in reality. I just believe that. I really do.
So for me, and I’m sure I’m in the minority, believing that there is right now in 2010, a device that can read minds–based on my experiences in the past month or so–yes, I’m absolutely convinced of it. Now before this all happened, I probably would have said that the technology was decades away. But after having perused the net as of late, I have come across lots of indicators that would say this technology has probably been around for at least 30 years or more. And of course, the powers that be are not going to let the general public know about it. Can you imagine the panic? Not only is Big Brother alive and well but that muthafucka can read your thoughts. What’s sacred after that? Ok, let me make something clear. I cannot say for sure who/what entity or gov’t agency (if any) is targeting me. What I do know for sure is that my landlord, who from now on I will refer to as SATAN I, is responsible for the direct,daily harassment & surveillance that has been happening for almost 2 months now.
Whether she is a lone sociopath (cuz i looked up the characteristics and based on what I hear her say on the daily–this bish is a classic textbook case) or she’s operating under the auspices of the gubment, I dunno. And really don’t care. But how many lone sociopaths (and I’m sure there are a lot of them) happen across the means or access to a thought reading device? I mean, it’s not like you can get something like that at the local wal-mart. Altho God knows you probably can buy anything else. But again, in the past couple of weeks I have heard her say that she bought it on the black market. Again, do I know if that’s true or just more dis-information? No. I’m just reporting what’s been said.
She has indicated many times in the past couple of weeks that no matter where i go I will be under surveillance. Don’t know if it’s true and at this point definitely don’t believe her as she and the psycho crew seem to be full of dis-information and lies. It’s orchestrated and it’s organized (i’m assuming to keep me confused and off kilter, isn’t that something out of the art of war?) which would lead me to believe it is gov’t sponsored. I’ve also heard her say her father was a former CIA agent and that’s where she learned the ‘tricks of the trade’; but again, this all unsubstantiated and I don’t know if it’s just more dis-information.
But again, since trying to find out about what’s been happening to me and looking for possible validation that I’m not the only one it’s happening to, I just recently came across the term “organized or gang stalking”, which is basically defined as:
a systemic form of control, which seeks to destroy every aspect of a Targeted Individuals life. Once a target is flagged a notification is sent out to the community at large, and the target is followed around 24/7 by the various communities that they are in.
The community notifications will go out to various places. Apartment rentals, future employers, stores and communities where the target visits, will be notified. Doctors offices, fire departments, police, etc. A covert investigation might also be opened, and electronic, means used by the civilian spies/snitches as part of the overt and covert monitoring and surveillance process.
Individuals can be flagged designating them as having a history of aggressive or inappropriate behavior. This notification system will follow the target if they move, change jobs, visit other areas. It let’s the community believe that the target is a person who needs to be watched or monitored.
Ok, so now since I’ve described what has been happening TO ME on the daily since around October 22nd, 2010. Now let me get into how this has affected my familial and friendship ties. You probably already know that pretty much both groups think I’m absolutely ape-shit crazy right about now. My mom has basically gone into silent treatment mode. I don’t blame her. I think she feels 1) When this all starting getting really crazy and i described it to her, she told me repeatedly to move. Of course, like any good daughter, I didn’t listen. So now I believe she’s angry at me for that. I also believe she feels that a) I’ve gone bonkers and she can’t do anything for me or b) What i’m describing is actually happening and she can’t do anything for me. Either way, I understand and am not angry.
Which brings me to why I believe I’ve come to be such a easy target: in a nutshell, I moved to Hell-a without family. I am basically by myself which I notice seems to be a re-occurring theme with a lot of people who claim to be targets of gang stalking. Ok, now to my friends. lol..this is actually more difficult to stomach than my family’s reaction. My friends are really more like family than my family in a lot of ways. As we all know, you don’t choose your biological relatives so the ties that bind friendships for me, in a lot of ways are more stable and more durable than any that connect me to some of my blood relatives.
My friends have staged an intervention for me and seem to be really concerned for my personal safety. Which is another interesting aspect of this saga. I had a fleeting moment of fear in the beginning of this situation but since then i really don’t fear for my immediate safety. Why you ask? Because what I have discovered is that most of the perps appear to be cowardly. Altho most of the bldg appears at the VERY least to be aware of what’s going on if not directly involved in the daily surveillance, when I see them in the hall or either coming or going in and out of the bldg, they appear sweet as pie and try to actually act as if nothing is going on out of the ordinary. Which is a clear indication of psychosis as far as I’m concerned.
Satan I is a classic cowardly bully as well as the aforementioned–a textbook sociopath. I’m guessing her chronological age to be in the mid-50’s, maybe early 60’s. Emotionally tho-that bish is about 9 or 10. And I’m actually being charitable. It’s obvious from the maniacal laugh and the giggles that escape from what I believe to be her crustacean lips–that she derives supreme joy from tormenting others. Classic Bully. I’m assuming she feels powerful by thinking she’s taking power from others and controlling their every waking moment. This is what I imagine. Do i know whether it’s true? No. But anyone who spends every day of their lives for a month and a half, obsessing over, consumed by the most minute, insignificant details of someone elses’ life—that’s not power. That’s psychosis.
I’ve often wondered after hearing her recite what i’ve “thought”, what I’ve said (via my emails) or what I’ve said outright–it’s amazing to me how she can be delusional enough to think she has control over my life by the constant surveillance–what per chance does she call the hold I obviously have over her “life”? You can’t be involved in or orchestrate the surveillance of someone (especially not 24 hrs a day) and do that without constraining or limiting your own movements. Have I gotten caught up in her web or is it really the other way around? She could walk away anytime. What could be sooo fascinating about me or my life that it would make someone who appears for all intents and purposes to have a thriving, successful life and business? Again, whether she’s acting on her own behalf or just another peon in the gov’ts cog, I dunno. But you have to wonder, what would make someone so depraved and have so much disdain and dis-regard for others. Scratch that. lol. She’s a sociopath. So I KNOW why she does what she does. I guess I’m wondering why she’s made it to her age and someone hasn’t murked her ass? Seriously. From what she’s indicated, I’m not the 1st. she’s done this to others. Maybe serendipity will happen and one of them will see this blog. Maybe not.
D. Blackwell–Oct 11, 2015, San Diego, CA.
(I’m publishing this with my real last name so that all info can be substantiated by those who care to look into dates & places)–I wrote the below addendum, after discovering that my online blog (the above is excerpted from that ‘erased’ blog)..rosemarysbabiesandcompany.blogspot.com, has been ‘deleted or erased’..don’t know when but I know i certainly didn’t delete it..so now I have to go to google (probably run by the same criminals as those that are targeting me)..and plead with them to restore it, if that’s even possible at this point but I’m going to try at the very least. If it can’t be restored (it was not), then I’ll just start another one but my story will be online as my testimony:
It’s funny, I read the above, almost 5 years later and it’s amazing what I believed at the time was true & what I’ve learned in the ensuing years. First of all, Janet Lauritsen Beumer, my former landlord at 2821 West Blvd #102, Los Angeles, CA..probably does work as a contractor or directly for one of the misnomered ‘intelligence’ agencies (FBI, CIA, DoD)..though I think it’s more likely the former. In my mind, if she was higher up on the food chain, it’s not likely she’d be openly exposed. So more than likely she’s a low-level shill.
Her husband & son, both who both live high profile lives in the LA community, one in the medical establishment , Dr. John Beumer, and her son, as a hollywood producer, Derek Beumer–are also probably both fronts as well. Of course, all of this is supposition but what is not is Janet Beumer’s clear involvement in my initial harassment. There is NO way she didn’t know what was going on. I hope that bitch gets hers in spades. And soon.
The other ‘residents’ I mentioned who lived at the West Blvd address (LaSandra Rose in particular, as she lived directly above me in apt 202)..I believe were more bit players and more than likely were paid to record their voices that I heard non-stop & daily in the initial stages of my targeting (interestingly enough, all of the voices that I heard initially, like those of Janet Beumer & LaSandra Rose, have in the ensuing years morphed into what sounds like MY VOICE ONLY. So instead of words & phrases sounding though they are coming from an outside person or source; they now sound like my voice saying these things, as if it’s my own conscience). What I had no way of knowing when I wrote the above is that ALL that I heard (the 24 hour non-stop chatter and conversation) was pre-recorded and not happening ‘live’. None of it. In retrospect, I believe that I have been implanted with God & the bottom feeders only know what–and that this is what is picking up what is widely referred to as Voice to Skull (v2k)–another misnomer. I have found in the 5+ years of being aware of V2k, that it does NOT, as is widely claimed online as fact—bypass ears to feed words into a subjects’ skull.
I have used many tactics and resources over the past years to try to block it or thwart it and today I can say authoritatively (based on my own personal experience) that I have at various times, successfully blocked it or distorted it via the use of neo-dymium magnets, stupidly (in retrospect) placing paper towel in my ears; by wearing ear plugs for the 1st 3 years non-stop & for at least the last 4 years or so, wearing music-filled headphones at night (even while sleeping) that effectively, block out 99.9% of voice to ‘ear’. It can not, in my opinion and based on my own personal observations; by pass your ears and feed words/phrases directly into your skull. That is patently false and probably deliberate dis-info. Or wishful thinking.
What I experience now primarily is one to 3 word oft-repeated phrases through out the day, with MOST of it being blocked out. I believe the phrases I do hear utilize memory and are not directly being fed via V2k. Out of a 24 hour day, the externally fed chatter, probably gets thru long enough to amount to 2 minutes out of the whole day, max on most days; and on those days that I laughingly call the 1st of the month days when I imagine, that whatever criminals and proxies have to justify why they are continuing to get government funding so they have to provide proof that this ‘technology’ does indeed have an effect on subjects like me–this is when activity upticks, but even then..it perhaps gets thru 20-30 minutes in a day. It’s never more than that and certainly not 24 hours like it was when I first became aware of it in 2010 and hadn’t tried any defenses against it. Or maybe b/c that was ground zero and the ‘entrainment’ period.
At this point, I think they just keep it running b/c they can and figure that most TIs will adapt to it. I personally think that as a fairly sane and functioning person, that though this was in the beginning, troubling and bizarre to say the least; they NEVER could get me to buy into the lie that I was going crazy or that what I was hearing was organic or a symptom of mental illness. I instinctively KNEW that what i was hearing was coming from an external source. I didn’t know the HOW, but i damn sure knew it wasn’t psychologically-based. Not on my part anyway. It goes without saying, that anyone involved in this kind of ‘research’, is most certainly more psychologically crippled than ANY Targeted Individual could ever be.
Again, probably over 99% doesn’t even make it to my consciousness. Even just holding my tongue in a certain way blocks out the words, which I believe are nothing but the bottom feeders’ attempts at artificial intelligence. And attempting is all the US government could muster in my estimation b/c they certainly haven’t succeeded. As I mentioned above, I have been clearly implanted. There are active movements in my gut area that definitely were not discernible or apparent before 2011. I also believe it’s possible that’s whatever ‘it’ is is also causing a possible obstruction of my bowels. What I’ve also come to discover is that over 60% of our immune system and a lot of our neural/metabolic functions are located in the ‘gut’ area. So I believe whatever these freaks are ‘researching’; they deliberately chose that area to target for implantation.
And I would welcome ANY legit medical practitioner to examine me to corroborate or to dismiss my claims. Whatever was implanted in me, it was obviously released or activated here once I moved back into my own apartment in San Diego in February 2011. If I could describe the experience, because it was very vivid; is to describe it as feeling as if I was in the sci-fi movie the Odyssey where a tiny flying object manned by a ‘scientist’ actually ventures inside the human body…I felt whatever was inside me unfolding and activating and unfurling it’s tentacles through out my body. It was strange and disconcerting but from that time to now–I also have had regular neurological disturbances, the feeling of being able to feel what i hear, the sensation of having an invisible force ‘pushing my body or rocking me’..
I’ve also experienced the noticeable ‘stalking’ of local San Diego police cars since I’ve been here & I believe that’s because whatever was implanted also acts as a GPS-like tracking device–as soon as I leave my house, cop cars drive past like clockwork and helicopters seemingly come out of nowhere; what’s really curious is the aerial stalking of what appears to be black & white helicopters. I haven’t yet figured out if they are actual helicopters with cloaking abilities or just holograms, as I’ve never once been able to capture them on camera; though I’ve tried many times–and for those who may think, well hell, you’re probably imagining them..believe me..I’ve taken camera pics of airplanes flying above me at around the same time as the phantom helicopters..and the airplanes show up in pics, no matter how tiny, they are visible but I have yet to EVER capture the helicopters, so if I’m imagining one, why wouldn’t I be imagining both?..the cops have at times cut me off and sneered at me while walking down the street; they have followed me in caravans while waiting for buses; they have shown up at my place of work and sat and just watched me; and NOTHING like this ever happened before my targeting was revealed back in 2010, so I’d be willing to bet that these pigs are being paid by the feds a lil’ extra to stalk targets like me. Primarily what I get followed by is black & white suvs that I’m not sure are either highway patrol or border control or maybe just feds posing as these agencies–they always ‘mysteriously’ show up whenever I’m out and about, usually, driven by some military buzz cut latino or white male–interesting that they don’t seem to entrust this low-level shill duty to a black person…wonder why? Maybe because they figure if they are assigned to this covert & illegal activity on an ongoing basis, they'd notice that they are primarily following just black & brown people who obviously don't have a criminal record or they would be approached or arrested--maybe they ultimately believe these black people would actually start wondering why and maybe would start talking about it? Just my theory. But I do know I've YET to see any black shill driving these black & white SUVs that follow me on the regular. I'm sure that is not a coincidence and is deliberate. Here are some of the recent license plate #’s I’ve been stalked by in 2016: CA 1314887, CA 1445060, CA 1379221, CA 1417543 & CA 1417454…it’s usually the prefix 131 or 141, I don’t know what precinct those are from…but obviously, these shills aren’t trusted to do anything more important than stalking me while I’m out and about…pitiful, ain’t it? Also keep in mind that San Diego is a military town and I am a military veteran so I'm also sure that the US military is deeply involved in my targeting and harassing too and in addition to the SD police cars/SUVS that are always ‘mysteriously’ showing up whenever/where ever I am in the city; so too are the b&w helicopters that primarily come flying overhead, both day & night, from the same direction as the Miramar military air base that lies off I-15 just north of where I live.
And you can be sure if I was some dangerous & wanted criminal, they would have arrested me LONG ago..from all appearances, they are afraid to even approach, let alone, arrest me. The funny thing is they NEVER really say anything overtly that would give them away. I have even brazenly jay walked in front of them just to see what they would do.. and they just drive around me and always try to appear overly ‘nice’…I’m assuming the Feds have told them to stand down. Stalk but don’t engage. I’ve read other TIs relay the same type of experiences with cops so I would be willing to bet that local cops are definitely involved & paid for their involvement in the ongoing harassment of Targets. But I definitely don’t fear them. It’s obvious they are just some more random low level shills who are simply doing what their masters tell them to do.
I’m sure they are enjoying their little kickbacks and think they are really doing something. But again, the way they consistently scatter like roaches whenever I pull out my camera to film them or take pics, lets me know they are nothing but cowards at their core. As are their nazi bosses, whom I would also bet are making a bundle off of probably selling me and those like me..for ‘research purposes’.
Some of the other ‘odd’ occurrences that have happened while being a TI…last year my cable wires were DELIBERATELY cut outside at a locked cable company box once. Keep in mind I live in an apartment building but mine were the only ones cut. I’ve had continual DoS attacks on my computer and other obvious hacking of my personal email accounts. And I’d have to be pretty daft to believe that just any random street level criminal can orchestrate all of these things separately, let alone together. It’s just not believable. This is undoubtedly being orchestrated and funded by the US government or proxies and contractors working on their behalf..in other words— the usual suspects who have a long, documented history of this i.e. the FBI, CIA, DoD & probably the military since San Diego is a military town and I am a veteran. There is NO doubt in my mind about this. NONE. Nobody else has the resources, the documented history of this nor the psychosis and inclination.
I also have a theory that since so many Targeted Individuals end up financially destitute once this phase of what I believe is more than likely life-long harassment begins, a lot of us end up having to rely on government assistance, which I believe is what they want–if you are reliant on them for housing or other assistance, it’s easier to track you and control you.
I also believe that the CIA owns a LOT of property and real estate in this country and abroad and so in all probability, many of these properties are then used for covert & illegal monitoring/harassment programs like this–I believe both the LA address on West Blvd & my current address in San Diego, are both owned by CIA front companies. And since it is well known that they are flush with almost unlimited cash since they are basically the largest illegal drug and arms dealer in the world–I’m sure buying up companies and property to facilitate black ops pogroms like those targeting me, wouldn’t be an obstacle. It’s probably standard fare.
As has been theorized by many other sites on this subject–there is probably equipment that needs to be used on TIs to keep us ‘entrained’–whether it’s electromagnetic pulsed equipment or other portable equipment, I believe those who run these black ops pogroms set up shills and contractors in adjacent apartments or properties that are CIA-owned. The current building I live in was bought by another owner (MSSR Mgmt) only about a month after I moved in. Lending credence to my suspicions about there being some kind of equipment set up in adjacent apartments (or homes if TIs live in single family dwellings)…the local electric company, SDG&E, completely shut off power recently in my neighborhood from 10pm-6am, and usually at night, I deal with the usual neurological disturbances that many TIs describe: body shaking, feelings of having ‘something’ whispering in your ear or the sensation of having your genitals ‘tampered’ with; the implants I believe are in my body are also usually very active during this period and move around; up until maybe a year ago, every night pretty much I was invariably ‘awakened’ at 3 or 4 am; I also usually go from hot to cold all through the night like I’m on a timer. Again, none of this was the case before I moved back to San Diego from LA in 2010. So back to the normal bedtime disturbances I usually deal with it—well, as I said, SDG&E, had a scheduled power shut-off for equipment maintenance for my neighborhood and ‘mysteriously’ none of the above disturbances happened. No rocking or shaking, or active implants moving around. Nada. At least not until the power came back on at a little before 6am the next morning. So this confirms for me suspicions about the US government having set up whatever equipment they use for this kind of covert experimentation and harassment being set up in the apartment below me, or even in the building right next to me (as I mentioned, the building I’m in changed ownership about 6 months ago, from MSSR Mgmt-- but the building next to me, which has a bedroom that sits right across from mine that used to have the light on all night, all the time which I always thought was strange, but anyway, that building is still owned by MSSR.) Anyway, said all that to say: whatever equipment is being used to power this harassment with what I’m assuming is directed energy weapons, apparently needs a power source because it sure was not working during that SDG&E scheduled power outage.
Besides the cut internet wires, certain employees of that property management company exhibited some pretty strange behavior over the years. I also noticed that the apartment below me has had an almost constant revolving parade of tenants, though everyone is supposedly locked into yearly leases. And in an apartment building in the middle of a fairly large metropolitan city, I randomly ‘hear’ loud mooing sounds, along with stomping and loud bamming on walls. All ostensibly artificially created to make me believe that it’s pretty much a continuation of the same things I experienced in LA, EXCEPT now I realize they are all merely sound effects so they have basically been rendered ineffective. Irritating at best; but certainly nothing more.
Another oddity that I recently noticed: one evening while making a quick run to the gas station/convenience store that is less than 2 blocks from my apartment building (near I-15 freeway in San Diego); I just happened to look up at the night sky and noticed a cluster of what I initially thought were ‘stars’..but after continuing to look at them while I walked to and from my destination, it became obvious they were something else..although they did appear to be twinkling….but as I mentioned previously, there were only about six of them clustered together while the rest of the surrounding sky was pitch black..now I’m no meteorologist but the first thing I thought was, why are they just in this area? Could these be Satellites? They also just happen to be directly north of the direction that I sleep each night. Don’t know if it’s related but as a TI, I’ve come to take nothing at face value because in my opinion the criminally insane US government shills who are targeting folk like me love to hide things in plain sight; knowing that most people are oblivious to what’s really going on. And I also remember what real starlit skies look like from my childhood days in Michigan and what I see in the skies overhead these days is not the same…so I noticed this cluster of ‘stars’ in passing that particular night and promptly forgot about it UNTIL a few nights later, when I happened to be about a mile or 2 west of my neighborhood about the same time of night, maybe 8 or 9pm, and was immediately struck by the fact that unlike the cluster of ‘stars’ that were clearly evident near my apartment–the sky above in this location, was instead, completely pitch black with nothing visible in the sky. Not one cloud or ‘star’. Nada.
As it stands today, 5 years into having my status as a US government involuntary guinea pig revealed to me in the most jarring way–with what is widely known as voice to skull–I now wholeheartedly believe that I, along with both my immediate and extended family–are multi-generational involuntary U.S. government experimentees. I believe elements of Mk-ULTRA & CoINTELPRO, at the very least, are being employed on most, if not all of us. And based on what I know of my parent’s background, it’s also my belief that they both are unaware TIs. My mother’s family, in particular, has a seemingly reoccurring incidents of motherless children being raised by grandparents that also shows up as well in my father’s family. There is also a repeated occurrence of people disappearing from the family–meaning they just are never heard from again at some point. Like they fell off the face of the earth. My paternal grandfather, along with a maternal uncle, both shared this history. Repeating themes no longer translate to ‘coincidence’ anymore for me—-they now generally stand out as red flags for artificially created or manufactured circumstances. I also believe that while ‘they’ use extreme experimentation methods on TIs like me, there is also an attempt to ‘karmically balance’ out their crimes by affording amazing ‘opportunities’ to other family members. Of course, those family members are also guinea pigs and more than likely their future ‘demise or fall from grace’ will be just as carefully manipulated or planned by these nazis but more than likely, these other family members will remain oblivious as to why. I know..this sounds like a Hollywood movie plot, doesn’t it? But as they say: Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction. I recall reading some time ago about the late author Ernest Hemingway’s complaints in the last years of his life of feeling like he was being ‘watched or monitored’ by unseen government forces and his family and friends basically dismissing his claims and writing him off as insanely paranoid. Well, it turns out..years after his death and once his FBI file became public–Hemingway had been right all along. The FBI documents confirmed in black and white that they had been indeed monitoring him. So he wasn’t ‘paranoid’ after all. Another case like this that comes to mind is the case of the late San Jose Mercury News reporter, Gary Webb..who wrote the controversial investigative series about the CIA being involved in the introduction of crack-cocaine into the South Cenral LA area in the 80’s that precipitated the explosion in the drug epidemic and incarceration rates that are still affecting Black America today. Again…initially, there were virulent denials on the CIA’s part at the time but then, years after, as in the case of Hemingway, they basically admitted that Webb had been right. So this is what I expect too once I’m dead and gone: to be totally vindicated on claims that today may seem ‘cuckoo’ or ridiculous to most upon hearing them; and though unsubstantiated they may be–again, as I will say time and time again through out this blog–the US government and in particular, the US ‘intelligence’ letter agencies–have a LONG and documented history of these kinds of sick, pscyho activities–in particular, when it comes to black people. Understand me, when I say to you that you cannot and should not judge THEIR mental health as if they were like you. That is, if you are sane. THEY are NOT. Clearly. So.. I am also left to ponder why this targeting has been revealed to me, in particular? I’m sure most curious people reading this blog probably are also wondering. Obviously, I can only speculate..and as I do through out this blog but I, of course, cannot say definitively so I may as well give my opinion–I mean, why stop now? I believe that TIs like me are being used. Well, that’s apparent. But to what end? I believe there are those who work in these criminally organized networks that hide behind the title of ‘government’ who know that what they are engaging in is criminal and amoral and may even feel a bit of remorse or guilt for their participation (though apparently not enough to stop or publicly come forward). But instead of personally risking their livelihoods, pensions and possible lives by coming forward as whistle blowers–they prefer to use TIs like me. In effect, I am being used to reveal what these cowards don’t have the moral courage to. This is the kind of rank psychosis and sociopathy that your tax dollars fund. I actually think they believe they are balancing out their criminal deeds by USING innocent people to reveal what’s going on behind the scenes of US govt black ops pogroms. But my thinking is that the worm that they are using as bait is still a sentient creation that has a right to life and they have taken away any choice I or any other TI may have had in the matter. Nothing will absolve them of that crime. Nothing. They have committed a crime to report a crime. But I imagine they feel as I’ve read many of these sociopaths in government opine: The ends justifies the means.
It is also my belief, that multi-generational TIs are artificially paired with one another to then create successive generations of readily available ‘specimens’–in much the same way that lab rats are probably mated or black slaves were deliberately paired to create more slaves for their owners . With this country’s more than troubling racist history, it really would not surprise me if this government experimentation was implemented because former slave owners wanted to find another profitable ‘use’ for their former property. Yes, I do believe those who think themselves ‘leaders’ are just that psychotic and depraved. The evidence is all around us.
And now when I contemplate some of the people who have come into my life, it would stand to reason that more than likely, they too, are probably also targeted individuals. Though perhaps, blissfully unaware. Not so ironically, most of them shared some kind of military connection; which as I mentioned before, seems to be another re-occurring theme with TIs. And one, I believe, may have been chosen to be what I’ve heard referred to as a ‘handler’. Fortunately, for me, she wasn’t a very effective one.
Another oddity that I’ve realized in hindsight–any persons that I worked with in a professional capacity or had any kind of friendships with in the past and lost contact with–I never seem to cross paths with these people later. Old friends from 20 years ago seem to have disappeared into thin air, with no trace. Which I find really odd since we are living in the social media age and it seems everybody is on Facebook and/or Instagram. And though I have lived in the same area for over 15 years now (subtracting the 5 years I lived in LA) and have worked many jobs in the area–I have yet to ever run into anyone publicly whom I’ve worked with in the past. Ever. It’s like TIs are insulated in a tightly controlled environment where every interaction or relationship is deliberately manufactured or chosen for us. Sounds like that movie starring Jim Carey–The Truman Show, doesn’t it? Could fact really be stranger than fiction?
—The Below was originally written in 2010—
Ok, let me get this out the way, the basic premise of the website is to allow me to vent about an incredibly odd and admittedly, hard to believe, occurrence happening in my life right now–something I just discovered a name for–organized stalking. Before I get into the definition of that, i want to give you a little background about what led to this “stalking”, who some of the players are (to my knowledge) and what I believe precipitated these daily occurrences, as well, as why I believe I’m being targeted.
Well, let’s start at the beginning, shall we? Well, in October of 2008 (after about a 2 yr spate of seemingly not-so-great-luck), I found an apt in south l.a., moved in, and life was pretty much the norm. Nothing out of the ordinary about my neighbors, my neighborhood or my life in terms of routine.
All that changed about a year later when I became laid off and found myself at home more. In the beginning, what I noticed sporadically, was what i thought was somebody in the apt above me following me from room-to-room. Of course, most people when they think they hear something like this, they automatically think, “nah, I must be mistaken.” Because who would expend energy following someone else from room-to-room?
I mean, that’s what any reasonable person would think, right? I’ve heard of stalking someone from location to location, but um, from room-to-room, inside an apt? Too strange for words. Well, of course, turns out, i wasn’t mistaken. It kept happening with more frequency until I noticed not only was i being basically stalked from room-to-room, this “person” was also following into the bathroom above me as I showered. How do I know this? I would hear them bumping up against the wall above me as I went about my showering routine. Quite bizarre, isn’t it? Just my damn luck too. Most people have the luxury of having stalkers who follow them from home to work and maybe to the grocery store; I get a damn stalker who’s a shut-in.Ain’t no way to get away from them.
Your home is supposed to be your castle. Well mine was about to become a prison. Real quick. Ok, so back to the story. So after hearing and noticing this in-apt stalking for probably a month or so, I started inquiring to the landlord as to whether the person upstairs was perhaps “mentally ill”? She I believe said as far as she knew, that wasn’t the case and that there was one lone woman who lived upstairs. Well, ok, I’m thinking, whomever it is, she must have a lot of time on her hands and can’t be mentally stable to spend the energy and time it takes to follow me from room-to-room.
After contacting the landlord and seeing no change in frequency of the stalking, I then tried another tact. I decided to write a note for the woman and put it by her door. Basically, I may as well admit that I can be a tactless heffa. lol..there’s no way around it. no denying it. I can be. By this time, I was kind of pissed, I’ll admit, so the wording of the note may have not been the most delicate. But my thinking was that she and I “knew” what was going on, so why beat around the bush and pretend otherwise? I wanted the behavior to end, and I wasn’t gonna mince words. Hey, what can I say?
Now having said all of that, I still had expectations at this time that I was dealing with a reasonably sane person, so I felt like the note should alert this person that I knew what “they” were doing and that should have resolved the situation. In my mind, that’s what should have happened. Au contraire. That’s not the way it went down. lol. silly me. I heard the moment the person upstairs read the note, there was all kinds of yelling and stomping in their hallway and it sounded like a conversation between 2 people being had and it sounded to me like they were laughing about the note and it’s contents. Well, suffice it to say. Resolution was not at hand.
Escalation of noise and stalking is what resulted. This was in December of 09. Well, of course, I immediately contacted the landlord and started complaining about the noise and asking questions. She seemed to be genuinely interested and upset about what I was describing. But I was to discover later that concern was anything but genuine. Anyhoo, on to the story: some more background. The building that I live in is probably almost a century old and hence it’s really quite easy to hear conversations in the apt above me. I’ve heard her conversations (especially in my bedroom) and I’m assuming she’s heard mine.
I started noticing bamming on walls in the bedroom and stomping on the floor above me. Ofttimes I would spend my time in the bedroom on my computer and would intermittently hear stomping above my head. This continued on the daily; along with my complaints to the landlord and even my approaching the woman whom I believed to live above me. I asked her a couple of times if she lived alone or if she was the 1 making the bamming/stomping noises and each time she would reply that she lived alone. One incident included me making remarks about calling the police if the noise continued and her retort was that she would call the police on me for “threatening her”.
And added that she had informed the landlord of my purported threat. Now this chick on the surface “looked normal” but it was about to become obvious to me how so untrue that was. I had never threatened her. What I did immediately after that statement was made was to come in and call the landlord and pointedly ask her if the woman upstairs (who i will from here on out refer to as satan II, government name: LaSandra Rose), had told her I threatened her. The landlord said “no, she never mentioned anything like that to me.” I began to more than suspect there were mental issues at hand here. That basically solidified that feeling. But no matter. The noise and stalking continued unabated.
One day though, I realized after having the landlord inform me that Satan II was supposedly enrolled in school and what days she should be attending; i noticed as soon as she left, there seemed to be footsteps of someone coming into the bedroom to sit. It was like clockwork. That’s when I pretty much guessed that Satan II had company and maybe this is who was doing the stomping & stalking. Didn’t matter to me who was doing it, I just wanted it to stop. Immediately. lol..of course, people in hell want ice water too. Don’t think that’ll be forthcoming anytime soon either.
Anyhoo, so the noise continued, even to the point that I would try to “hide” in my hallway to see what would happen if the perp couldn’t hear me walking from room-to-room. Well, imagine my horror at the reaction I got: pacing back and forth, ostensibly to “find me”; bamming on walls, incredibly loud stomping, sometimes these tirades or temper tantrums would last for 20 or 30 minutes at a time. How others in my bldg couldn’t hear this or weren’t aware of this, I couldn’t understand. There was only ONCE that i remember where someone in another apt actually came and knocked on Satan II’s door after one of the tirades. It was about 1230 in the morning, so I’m assuming maybe they were awakened but of course, satan didn’t answer the door, but that did stop that particular tirade. So to make this story a little quicker, about 3 or 4 months into this ridiculous situation (with the landlord appearing to be interested, even offering to come sit at my apt to see if she could “hear the noise”–of course, she never did)
I decided to go over the landlord’s head since she appeared in my opinion, to being playing both sides to the middle. I ended up having no faith in her sincerity to fix the situation after hearing satan II repeat something that I told the landlord via email. There is no way this woman would have overheard me saying this; the only plausible explanation could be is that the landlord was going back telling her everything I was saying to her. So in my opinion, i was never going to get results dealing with the landlord. Since at this time, it was pretty evident to me that the woman didn’t live alone, I decided to go to my local housing authority and complain. Now some may say that was an extreme move, but after 4 or 5 months of trying to personally go the source of the problem; going to my landlord and seemingly getting nothing but the run-around in my opinion, I felt that this was a last resort but perhaps a way to get something done.
I definitely wasn’t able to enjoy living in this environment and since i was paying rent, i felt it patently unfair that I should have to live with this day-in and day-out—anyhoo, to make a long story short (again you probably can tell by now this is so not true-ahem), what ended up transpiring is that I decided that the landlord was not operating in good faith and I basically stopped communicating with her via email. This is when it turns bizarre. Ok, remember when i said that the bldg is old and you can pretty much hear conversations between my apt and the apt above me? Well, one day i was in the living room (which i rarely sat in) and I heard conversation above me between satan II and someone else that basically indicated that 1) satan II was in possession of a tape of me that was of a sexual nature that obviously was filmed/videoed without my consent in my bedroom and 2)
According to her, i had been watched by her for at least 6 months via hidden cameras that were located in my apt; cameras that were installed and authorized by the landlord! Well, suffice it to say, I was pissed as hell! I called the landlord to tell her what I had heard and her reply was a curt, “I don’t know anything about that.” Now you probably are thinking could this woman have made these statements as some sort of cruel, sick joke?! Yeah, could have been. But the ensuing activity after that let me know it wasn’t. All of the sudden the landlord (whose voice I obviously recognized) appeared upstairs trying to I guess get satan II to give her the incriminating “evidence.” Eventually, satan II relented and in what seems like almost a blur now–I went from basically a boring humdrum life to being a watched prisoner inside of my apt. More details on that next blog entry.
Part Deux–Must Be Something in the Water in LA
Ok, so last post I was giving a rundown of what brought me to where I am today–a target of daily 24/7 day a week surveillance in my apartment in south l.a. So let’s see, where I’d leave off? Oh, ok. Yeah, when it really turned bizarre. So um at this point, I had just discovered that my landlord had installed/authorized hidden cameras inside not only my apartment but according to satan II upstairs, the whole bldg was awash in cameras. Maybe this was truth. Maybe dis-information. But what I did know for sure was that soon after this declaration from satan II was made, I could hear my landlord’s voice coming from upstairs on the daily and I also started noticing that I hear comments made (from various unknown and some recognizable voices) about what was going on inside my apartment.
Unbelievable you say? Well, I can understand that. Most people, me included before this all happened, would be loathe to believe something like this. But how I knew it was real and I wasn’t just imagining it or being super paranoid is that the comments included accurate statements about: what I was eating, what i was doing in the kitchen, the contents inside my fridge, what I ate, what I cooked, what I watched on tv (mind you, i had gotten into the habit of watching my tv in the living room w/closed captioning since all this non-sense began, so it’s not like the perps upstairs could HEAR what was on my tv; they had to be watching me remotely)–so the logical conclusion I came to was that the landlord was viewing me with remote equipment from satan II’s apt I’m guessing to see if I would find and/or look for the hidden cameras that had been mentioned.
This is where shit gets funky. Not only do i start hearing what seemed like groups of people inside satan’s apt 24/7 shouting insults about me, making threats of violence, even death threats; I also now hear groups of people (both men and women) follow me into the bathroom making comments about the personal of activities up to and including my body parts and movements inside my shower. I am then forced to take showers at night. Now, maybe I should stop right here cuz I know most people would ask, “Well, why wouldn’t you get the fuck up outta there if all of this is going on?!!!”…well, there’s no simple answer for that. Not from me anyway. I’m a complex person. I’m also stubborn as hell. And I have an aversion to what I feel is injustice. Obviously, in my eyes, this was a clear-cut case of injustice and abuse of authority.
My thinking was how dare this woman (my landlord) think that she could not only video/film me without my consent with hidden cameras and then have the nerve to think she could scare me out of a place where I had basically paid this fool monthly to SPY on me!! The audacity!! I was enraged and I felt like I had to bring this woman to justice. Not just for me, but for anyone in the future who might have moved into the apt. The easy thing at that time would have been to move. In retrospect, that probably would have been the reasonable thing to do. But not having ever experienced this type of situation and not having ANY clue as to what type of psychopath i was dealing with; I felt that I could prevail. lol..i was naive.
Now, don’t get me wrong. As of this writing, I’m still in the throes of this, but I still believe in justice and I believe in karma. The parameters of both have greatly been reduced in the former case and expanded in the latter, but I know they both exist. I don’t ever believe I’ll wait on man’s justice but The Creator’s justice is omniscient,so I know it’s forthcoming. I have unshakable faith in that. But back to the story. So this is why I didn’t move. I wanted to be the last person this happened to. Simple huh? Well, hold up. Cuz it hasn’t worked out that way.
Not yet anyway. Ok, so after being forced to take showers at night b/c the landlord (who isn’t shy about going outside and yelling at night to invite people to come into satan’s apartment and “view me” in the shower)..oh yeah, let me backtrack, I’m sure you’re wondering since all of this crazy, bizarre behavior is ostensibly going on if I alerted the police or any other law enforcement? Well, duh! Of course, I did. And that’s when I found out intimately how limited man’s justice can be. the LAPD. Um, let me put it this way– after basically reading about the many infamous and notoriously illegal and structural abuses that they’ve been accused of over the years, I really didn’t have much faith in their abilities anyway, so let’s just say, they didn’t disappoint. In all fairness, I guess my crazy ass story (no matter how true) didn’t make it any easier. I basically was told that they were not in the hidden camera-sweeping biz & without definitive proof of the alleged cameras, their hands were tied and they couldn’t do anything. Okay.
Well, at least the officer I spoke to suggested I hire a private company to do it and once the cameras were discovered then they would be able to do something. So off I went. Calling/emailing 1st home security companies and then local private investigators. What I found out is that private investigation is the dominion of the wealthy. Or at least those who have more than a pot to piss in and a window to throw it out of. Which is what category I fall in. So suffice it to say, that was not an option.
Ok, so now, this is like the 1st full week of harassment and I started emailing any and every agency/entity I thought could or would help me: law enforcement (including fbi b/c by this time it was clear that the landlord was hacking into my computer as well as my email accounts), local news media, congressional reps, shit, the local dog catcher probably got an email from me around this time I was so desperate for somebody, anybody to listen to my situation. No success with that. Either they thought I was nuts probably or maybe felt that it was an unsubstantiated claim on my part and perhaps were worried about liability. So while all this was happening, I’m trying to go about life as normally as possible (and really how normal is that going to be?).
I’m aware of the constant surveillance from above me, increased activity in satan II’s apt. What was once an atmosphere of a morgue with it’s dead-air silence, soon turned into the opposite–so much traffic going in and out of satan’s apt it reminded me of ny’s grand central station. There appeared to be a party atmosphere to it. Constant chattering, laughing–of course in between the shouts dissecting every minute detail of my daily existence. Ok, I guess I should also address why I didn’t move out IMMEDIATELY at this point? Well, long story short–I detail this in another post, but having become homeless in LA, I ended up receiving a housing voucher via VA & then P.A.T.H., so I couldn’t just jump up and move. There are rules and regulations, hoops to jump thru and frankly at this time I was still in the “i’ma bring this bitch to justice” mode. I’m just being honest.
So anyway, life as I knew it was about to leave just run-of-the-mill freaky into the Ripley’s Believe It or Not realm. One day as i was lying on my couch (as I had stopped sleeping in my bedroom by this time and had taken to sleeping in the living room), i noticed that i could hear people upstairs repeating what I was thinking to myself—um, yup, let me repeat that–I could CLEARLY hear people upstairs (who it appeared to be going between satan II’s apt and the apt diagonally across from it) repeating what I WAS THINKING–not saying out loud. But what I was thinking to myself. Now, at first I was like WTF!?? I mean, that would be a normal reaction right? But after hearing the accurate repeat of my thoughts for about 30 minutes I knew, instinctively i guess, that somehow, some way, there apparently had to be a device that was reading my thoughts. It really was just a simple acceptance. Why? Probably b/c of my fascination with true crime. And maybe my feeling that the sci-fi movies that we see had to have their genesis in reality. I just believe that. I really do.
So for me, and I’m sure I’m in the minority, believing that there is right now in 2010, a device that can read minds–based on my experiences in the past month or so–yes, I’m absolutely convinced of it. Now before this all happened, I probably would have said that the technology was decades away. But after having perused the net as of late, I have come across lots of indicators that would say this technology has probably been around for at least 30 years or more. And of course, the powers that be are not going to let the general public know about it. Can you imagine the panic? Not only is Big Brother alive and well but that muthafucka can read your thoughts. What’s sacred after that? Ok, let me make something clear. I cannot say for sure who/what entity or gov’t agency (if any) is targeting me. What I do know for sure is that my landlord, who from now on I will refer to as SATAN I, is responsible for the direct,daily harassment & surveillance that has been happening for almost 2 months now.
Whether she is a lone sociopath (cuz i looked up the characteristics and based on what I hear her say on the daily–this bish is a classic textbook case) or she’s operating under the auspices of the gubment, I dunno. And really don’t care. But how many lone sociopaths (and I’m sure there are a lot of them) happen across the means or access to a thought reading device? I mean, it’s not like you can get something like that at the local wal-mart. Altho God knows you probably can buy anything else. But again, in the past couple of weeks I have heard her say that she bought it on the black market. Again, do I know if that’s true or just more dis-information? No. I’m just reporting what’s been said.
She has indicated many times in the past couple of weeks that no matter where i go I will be under surveillance. Don’t know if it’s true and at this point definitely don’t believe her as she and the psycho crew seem to be full of dis-information and lies. It’s orchestrated and it’s organized (i’m assuming to keep me confused and off kilter, isn’t that something out of the art of war?) which would lead me to believe it is gov’t sponsored. I’ve also heard her say her father was a former CIA agent and that’s where she learned the ‘tricks of the trade’; but again, this all unsubstantiated and I don’t know if it’s just more dis-information.
But again, since trying to find out about what’s been happening to me and looking for possible validation that I’m not the only one it’s happening to, I just recently came across the term “organized or gang stalking”, which is basically defined as:
a systemic form of control, which seeks to destroy every aspect of a Targeted Individuals life. Once a target is flagged a notification is sent out to the community at large, and the target is followed around 24/7 by the various communities that they are in.
The community notifications will go out to various places. Apartment rentals, future employers, stores and communities where the target visits, will be notified. Doctors offices, fire departments, police, etc. A covert investigation might also be opened, and electronic, means used by the civilian spies/snitches as part of the overt and covert monitoring and surveillance process.
Individuals can be flagged designating them as having a history of aggressive or inappropriate behavior. This notification system will follow the target if they move, change jobs, visit other areas. It let’s the community believe that the target is a person who needs to be watched or monitored.
Ok, so now since I’ve described what has been happening TO ME on the daily since around October 22nd, 2010. Now let me get into how this has affected my familial and friendship ties. You probably already know that pretty much both groups think I’m absolutely ape-shit crazy right about now. My mom has basically gone into silent treatment mode. I don’t blame her. I think she feels 1) When this all starting getting really crazy and i described it to her, she told me repeatedly to move. Of course, like any good daughter, I didn’t listen. So now I believe she’s angry at me for that. I also believe she feels that a) I’ve gone bonkers and she can’t do anything for me or b) What i’m describing is actually happening and she can’t do anything for me. Either way, I understand and am not angry.
Which brings me to why I believe I’ve come to be such a easy target: in a nutshell, I moved to Hell-a without family. I am basically by myself which I notice seems to be a re-occurring theme with a lot of people who claim to be targets of gang stalking. Ok, now to my friends. lol..this is actually more difficult to stomach than my family’s reaction. My friends are really more like family than my family in a lot of ways. As we all know, you don’t choose your biological relatives so the ties that bind friendships for me, in a lot of ways are more stable and more durable than any that connect me to some of my blood relatives.
My friends have staged an intervention for me and seem to be really concerned for my personal safety. Which is another interesting aspect of this saga. I had a fleeting moment of fear in the beginning of this situation but since then i really don’t fear for my immediate safety. Why you ask? Because what I have discovered is that most of the perps appear to be cowardly. Altho most of the bldg appears at the VERY least to be aware of what’s going on if not directly involved in the daily surveillance, when I see them in the hall or either coming or going in and out of the bldg, they appear sweet as pie and try to actually act as if nothing is going on out of the ordinary. Which is a clear indication of psychosis as far as I’m concerned.
Satan I is a classic cowardly bully as well as the aforementioned–a textbook sociopath. I’m guessing her chronological age to be in the mid-50’s, maybe early 60’s. Emotionally tho-that bish is about 9 or 10. And I’m actually being charitable. It’s obvious from the maniacal laugh and the giggles that escape from what I believe to be her crustacean lips–that she derives supreme joy from tormenting others. Classic Bully. I’m assuming she feels powerful by thinking she’s taking power from others and controlling their every waking moment. This is what I imagine. Do i know whether it’s true? No. But anyone who spends every day of their lives for a month and a half, obsessing over, consumed by the most minute, insignificant details of someone elses’ life—that’s not power. That’s psychosis.
I’ve often wondered after hearing her recite what i’ve “thought”, what I’ve said (via my emails) or what I’ve said outright–it’s amazing to me how she can be delusional enough to think she has control over my life by the constant surveillance–what per chance does she call the hold I obviously have over her “life”? You can’t be involved in or orchestrate the surveillance of someone (especially not 24 hrs a day) and do that without constraining or limiting your own movements. Have I gotten caught up in her web or is it really the other way around? She could walk away anytime. What could be sooo fascinating about me or my life that it would make someone who appears for all intents and purposes to have a thriving, successful life and business? Again, whether she’s acting on her own behalf or just another peon in the gov’ts cog, I dunno. But you have to wonder, what would make someone so depraved and have so much disdain and dis-regard for others. Scratch that. lol. She’s a sociopath. So I KNOW why she does what she does. I guess I’m wondering why she’s made it to her age and someone hasn’t murked her ass? Seriously. From what she’s indicated, I’m not the 1st. she’s done this to others. Maybe serendipity will happen and one of them will see this blog. Maybe not.
D. Blackwell–Oct 11, 2015, San Diego, CA.
(I’m publishing this with my real last name so that all info can be substantiated by those who care to look into dates & places)–I wrote the below addendum, after discovering that my online blog (the above is excerpted from that ‘erased’ blog)..rosemarysbabiesandcompany.blogspot.com, has been ‘deleted or erased’..don’t know when but I know i certainly didn’t delete it..so now I have to go to google (probably run by the same criminals as those that are targeting me)..and plead with them to restore it, if that’s even possible at this point but I’m going to try at the very least. If it can’t be restored (it was not), then I’ll just start another one but my story will be online as my testimony:
It’s funny, I read the above, almost 5 years later and it’s amazing what I believed at the time was true & what I’ve learned in the ensuing years. First of all, Janet Lauritsen Beumer, my former landlord at 2821 West Blvd #102, Los Angeles, CA..probably does work as a contractor or directly for one of the misnomered ‘intelligence’ agencies (FBI, CIA, DoD)..though I think it’s more likely the former. In my mind, if she was higher up on the food chain, it’s not likely she’d be openly exposed. So more than likely she’s a low-level shill.
Her husband & son, both who both live high profile lives in the LA community, one in the medical establishment , Dr. John Beumer, and her son, as a hollywood producer, Derek Beumer–are also probably both fronts as well. Of course, all of this is supposition but what is not is Janet Beumer’s clear involvement in my initial harassment. There is NO way she didn’t know what was going on. I hope that bitch gets hers in spades. And soon.
The other ‘residents’ I mentioned who lived at the West Blvd address (LaSandra Rose in particular, as she lived directly above me in apt 202)..I believe were more bit players and more than likely were paid to record their voices that I heard non-stop & daily in the initial stages of my targeting (interestingly enough, all of the voices that I heard initially, like those of Janet Beumer & LaSandra Rose, have in the ensuing years morphed into what sounds like MY VOICE ONLY. So instead of words & phrases sounding though they are coming from an outside person or source; they now sound like my voice saying these things, as if it’s my own conscience). What I had no way of knowing when I wrote the above is that ALL that I heard (the 24 hour non-stop chatter and conversation) was pre-recorded and not happening ‘live’. None of it. In retrospect, I believe that I have been implanted with God & the bottom feeders only know what–and that this is what is picking up what is widely referred to as Voice to Skull (v2k)–another misnomer. I have found in the 5+ years of being aware of V2k, that it does NOT, as is widely claimed online as fact—bypass ears to feed words into a subjects’ skull.
I have used many tactics and resources over the past years to try to block it or thwart it and today I can say authoritatively (based on my own personal experience) that I have at various times, successfully blocked it or distorted it via the use of neo-dymium magnets, stupidly (in retrospect) placing paper towel in my ears; by wearing ear plugs for the 1st 3 years non-stop & for at least the last 4 years or so, wearing music-filled headphones at night (even while sleeping) that effectively, block out 99.9% of voice to ‘ear’. It can not, in my opinion and based on my own personal observations; by pass your ears and feed words/phrases directly into your skull. That is patently false and probably deliberate dis-info. Or wishful thinking.
What I experience now primarily is one to 3 word oft-repeated phrases through out the day, with MOST of it being blocked out. I believe the phrases I do hear utilize memory and are not directly being fed via V2k. Out of a 24 hour day, the externally fed chatter, probably gets thru long enough to amount to 2 minutes out of the whole day, max on most days; and on those days that I laughingly call the 1st of the month days when I imagine, that whatever criminals and proxies have to justify why they are continuing to get government funding so they have to provide proof that this ‘technology’ does indeed have an effect on subjects like me–this is when activity upticks, but even then..it perhaps gets thru 20-30 minutes in a day. It’s never more than that and certainly not 24 hours like it was when I first became aware of it in 2010 and hadn’t tried any defenses against it. Or maybe b/c that was ground zero and the ‘entrainment’ period.
At this point, I think they just keep it running b/c they can and figure that most TIs will adapt to it. I personally think that as a fairly sane and functioning person, that though this was in the beginning, troubling and bizarre to say the least; they NEVER could get me to buy into the lie that I was going crazy or that what I was hearing was organic or a symptom of mental illness. I instinctively KNEW that what i was hearing was coming from an external source. I didn’t know the HOW, but i damn sure knew it wasn’t psychologically-based. Not on my part anyway. It goes without saying, that anyone involved in this kind of ‘research’, is most certainly more psychologically crippled than ANY Targeted Individual could ever be.
Again, probably over 99% doesn’t even make it to my consciousness. Even just holding my tongue in a certain way blocks out the words, which I believe are nothing but the bottom feeders’ attempts at artificial intelligence. And attempting is all the US government could muster in my estimation b/c they certainly haven’t succeeded. As I mentioned above, I have been clearly implanted. There are active movements in my gut area that definitely were not discernible or apparent before 2011. I also believe it’s possible that’s whatever ‘it’ is is also causing a possible obstruction of my bowels. What I’ve also come to discover is that over 60% of our immune system and a lot of our neural/metabolic functions are located in the ‘gut’ area. So I believe whatever these freaks are ‘researching’; they deliberately chose that area to target for implantation.
And I would welcome ANY legit medical practitioner to examine me to corroborate or to dismiss my claims. Whatever was implanted in me, it was obviously released or activated here once I moved back into my own apartment in San Diego in February 2011. If I could describe the experience, because it was very vivid; is to describe it as feeling as if I was in the sci-fi movie the Odyssey where a tiny flying object manned by a ‘scientist’ actually ventures inside the human body…I felt whatever was inside me unfolding and activating and unfurling it’s tentacles through out my body. It was strange and disconcerting but from that time to now–I also have had regular neurological disturbances, the feeling of being able to feel what i hear, the sensation of having an invisible force ‘pushing my body or rocking me’..
I’ve also experienced the noticeable ‘stalking’ of local San Diego police cars since I’ve been here & I believe that’s because whatever was implanted also acts as a GPS-like tracking device–as soon as I leave my house, cop cars drive past like clockwork and helicopters seemingly come out of nowhere; what’s really curious is the aerial stalking of what appears to be black & white helicopters. I haven’t yet figured out if they are actual helicopters with cloaking abilities or just holograms, as I’ve never once been able to capture them on camera; though I’ve tried many times–and for those who may think, well hell, you’re probably imagining them..believe me..I’ve taken camera pics of airplanes flying above me at around the same time as the phantom helicopters..and the airplanes show up in pics, no matter how tiny, they are visible but I have yet to EVER capture the helicopters, so if I’m imagining one, why wouldn’t I be imagining both?..the cops have at times cut me off and sneered at me while walking down the street; they have followed me in caravans while waiting for buses; they have shown up at my place of work and sat and just watched me; and NOTHING like this ever happened before my targeting was revealed back in 2010, so I’d be willing to bet that these pigs are being paid by the feds a lil’ extra to stalk targets like me. Primarily what I get followed by is black & white suvs that I’m not sure are either highway patrol or border control or maybe just feds posing as these agencies–they always ‘mysteriously’ show up whenever I’m out and about, usually, driven by some military buzz cut latino or white male–interesting that they don’t seem to entrust this low-level shill duty to a black person…wonder why? Maybe because they figure if they are assigned to this covert & illegal activity on an ongoing basis, they'd notice that they are primarily following just black & brown people who obviously don't have a criminal record or they would be approached or arrested--maybe they ultimately believe these black people would actually start wondering why and maybe would start talking about it? Just my theory. But I do know I've YET to see any black shill driving these black & white SUVs that follow me on the regular. I'm sure that is not a coincidence and is deliberate. Here are some of the recent license plate #’s I’ve been stalked by in 2016: CA 1314887, CA 1445060, CA 1379221, CA 1417543 & CA 1417454…it’s usually the prefix 131 or 141, I don’t know what precinct those are from…but obviously, these shills aren’t trusted to do anything more important than stalking me while I’m out and about…pitiful, ain’t it? Also keep in mind that San Diego is a military town and I am a military veteran so I'm also sure that the US military is deeply involved in my targeting and harassing too and in addition to the SD police cars/SUVS that are always ‘mysteriously’ showing up whenever/where ever I am in the city; so too are the b&w helicopters that primarily come flying overhead, both day & night, from the same direction as the Miramar military air base that lies off I-15 just north of where I live.
And you can be sure if I was some dangerous & wanted criminal, they would have arrested me LONG ago..from all appearances, they are afraid to even approach, let alone, arrest me. The funny thing is they NEVER really say anything overtly that would give them away. I have even brazenly jay walked in front of them just to see what they would do.. and they just drive around me and always try to appear overly ‘nice’…I’m assuming the Feds have told them to stand down. Stalk but don’t engage. I’ve read other TIs relay the same type of experiences with cops so I would be willing to bet that local cops are definitely involved & paid for their involvement in the ongoing harassment of Targets. But I definitely don’t fear them. It’s obvious they are just some more random low level shills who are simply doing what their masters tell them to do.
I’m sure they are enjoying their little kickbacks and think they are really doing something. But again, the way they consistently scatter like roaches whenever I pull out my camera to film them or take pics, lets me know they are nothing but cowards at their core. As are their nazi bosses, whom I would also bet are making a bundle off of probably selling me and those like me..for ‘research purposes’.
Some of the other ‘odd’ occurrences that have happened while being a TI…last year my cable wires were DELIBERATELY cut outside at a locked cable company box once. Keep in mind I live in an apartment building but mine were the only ones cut. I’ve had continual DoS attacks on my computer and other obvious hacking of my personal email accounts. And I’d have to be pretty daft to believe that just any random street level criminal can orchestrate all of these things separately, let alone together. It’s just not believable. This is undoubtedly being orchestrated and funded by the US government or proxies and contractors working on their behalf..in other words— the usual suspects who have a long, documented history of this i.e. the FBI, CIA, DoD & probably the military since San Diego is a military town and I am a veteran. There is NO doubt in my mind about this. NONE. Nobody else has the resources, the documented history of this nor the psychosis and inclination.
I also have a theory that since so many Targeted Individuals end up financially destitute once this phase of what I believe is more than likely life-long harassment begins, a lot of us end up having to rely on government assistance, which I believe is what they want–if you are reliant on them for housing or other assistance, it’s easier to track you and control you.
I also believe that the CIA owns a LOT of property and real estate in this country and abroad and so in all probability, many of these properties are then used for covert & illegal monitoring/harassment programs like this–I believe both the LA address on West Blvd & my current address in San Diego, are both owned by CIA front companies. And since it is well known that they are flush with almost unlimited cash since they are basically the largest illegal drug and arms dealer in the world–I’m sure buying up companies and property to facilitate black ops pogroms like those targeting me, wouldn’t be an obstacle. It’s probably standard fare.
As has been theorized by many other sites on this subject–there is probably equipment that needs to be used on TIs to keep us ‘entrained’–whether it’s electromagnetic pulsed equipment or other portable equipment, I believe those who run these black ops pogroms set up shills and contractors in adjacent apartments or properties that are CIA-owned. The current building I live in was bought by another owner (MSSR Mgmt) only about a month after I moved in. Lending credence to my suspicions about there being some kind of equipment set up in adjacent apartments (or homes if TIs live in single family dwellings)…the local electric company, SDG&E, completely shut off power recently in my neighborhood from 10pm-6am, and usually at night, I deal with the usual neurological disturbances that many TIs describe: body shaking, feelings of having ‘something’ whispering in your ear or the sensation of having your genitals ‘tampered’ with; the implants I believe are in my body are also usually very active during this period and move around; up until maybe a year ago, every night pretty much I was invariably ‘awakened’ at 3 or 4 am; I also usually go from hot to cold all through the night like I’m on a timer. Again, none of this was the case before I moved back to San Diego from LA in 2010. So back to the normal bedtime disturbances I usually deal with it—well, as I said, SDG&E, had a scheduled power shut-off for equipment maintenance for my neighborhood and ‘mysteriously’ none of the above disturbances happened. No rocking or shaking, or active implants moving around. Nada. At least not until the power came back on at a little before 6am the next morning. So this confirms for me suspicions about the US government having set up whatever equipment they use for this kind of covert experimentation and harassment being set up in the apartment below me, or even in the building right next to me (as I mentioned, the building I’m in changed ownership about 6 months ago, from MSSR Mgmt-- but the building next to me, which has a bedroom that sits right across from mine that used to have the light on all night, all the time which I always thought was strange, but anyway, that building is still owned by MSSR.) Anyway, said all that to say: whatever equipment is being used to power this harassment with what I’m assuming is directed energy weapons, apparently needs a power source because it sure was not working during that SDG&E scheduled power outage.
Besides the cut internet wires, certain employees of that property management company exhibited some pretty strange behavior over the years. I also noticed that the apartment below me has had an almost constant revolving parade of tenants, though everyone is supposedly locked into yearly leases. And in an apartment building in the middle of a fairly large metropolitan city, I randomly ‘hear’ loud mooing sounds, along with stomping and loud bamming on walls. All ostensibly artificially created to make me believe that it’s pretty much a continuation of the same things I experienced in LA, EXCEPT now I realize they are all merely sound effects so they have basically been rendered ineffective. Irritating at best; but certainly nothing more.
Another oddity that I recently noticed: one evening while making a quick run to the gas station/convenience store that is less than 2 blocks from my apartment building (near I-15 freeway in San Diego); I just happened to look up at the night sky and noticed a cluster of what I initially thought were ‘stars’..but after continuing to look at them while I walked to and from my destination, it became obvious they were something else..although they did appear to be twinkling….but as I mentioned previously, there were only about six of them clustered together while the rest of the surrounding sky was pitch black..now I’m no meteorologist but the first thing I thought was, why are they just in this area? Could these be Satellites? They also just happen to be directly north of the direction that I sleep each night. Don’t know if it’s related but as a TI, I’ve come to take nothing at face value because in my opinion the criminally insane US government shills who are targeting folk like me love to hide things in plain sight; knowing that most people are oblivious to what’s really going on. And I also remember what real starlit skies look like from my childhood days in Michigan and what I see in the skies overhead these days is not the same…so I noticed this cluster of ‘stars’ in passing that particular night and promptly forgot about it UNTIL a few nights later, when I happened to be about a mile or 2 west of my neighborhood about the same time of night, maybe 8 or 9pm, and was immediately struck by the fact that unlike the cluster of ‘stars’ that were clearly evident near my apartment–the sky above in this location, was instead, completely pitch black with nothing visible in the sky. Not one cloud or ‘star’. Nada.
As it stands today, 5 years into having my status as a US government involuntary guinea pig revealed to me in the most jarring way–with what is widely known as voice to skull–I now wholeheartedly believe that I, along with both my immediate and extended family–are multi-generational involuntary U.S. government experimentees. I believe elements of Mk-ULTRA & CoINTELPRO, at the very least, are being employed on most, if not all of us. And based on what I know of my parent’s background, it’s also my belief that they both are unaware TIs. My mother’s family, in particular, has a seemingly reoccurring incidents of motherless children being raised by grandparents that also shows up as well in my father’s family. There is also a repeated occurrence of people disappearing from the family–meaning they just are never heard from again at some point. Like they fell off the face of the earth. My paternal grandfather, along with a maternal uncle, both shared this history. Repeating themes no longer translate to ‘coincidence’ anymore for me—-they now generally stand out as red flags for artificially created or manufactured circumstances. I also believe that while ‘they’ use extreme experimentation methods on TIs like me, there is also an attempt to ‘karmically balance’ out their crimes by affording amazing ‘opportunities’ to other family members. Of course, those family members are also guinea pigs and more than likely their future ‘demise or fall from grace’ will be just as carefully manipulated or planned by these nazis but more than likely, these other family members will remain oblivious as to why. I know..this sounds like a Hollywood movie plot, doesn’t it? But as they say: Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction. I recall reading some time ago about the late author Ernest Hemingway’s complaints in the last years of his life of feeling like he was being ‘watched or monitored’ by unseen government forces and his family and friends basically dismissing his claims and writing him off as insanely paranoid. Well, it turns out..years after his death and once his FBI file became public–Hemingway had been right all along. The FBI documents confirmed in black and white that they had been indeed monitoring him. So he wasn’t ‘paranoid’ after all. Another case like this that comes to mind is the case of the late San Jose Mercury News reporter, Gary Webb..who wrote the controversial investigative series about the CIA being involved in the introduction of crack-cocaine into the South Cenral LA area in the 80’s that precipitated the explosion in the drug epidemic and incarceration rates that are still affecting Black America today. Again…initially, there were virulent denials on the CIA’s part at the time but then, years after, as in the case of Hemingway, they basically admitted that Webb had been right. So this is what I expect too once I’m dead and gone: to be totally vindicated on claims that today may seem ‘cuckoo’ or ridiculous to most upon hearing them; and though unsubstantiated they may be–again, as I will say time and time again through out this blog–the US government and in particular, the US ‘intelligence’ letter agencies–have a LONG and documented history of these kinds of sick, pscyho activities–in particular, when it comes to black people. Understand me, when I say to you that you cannot and should not judge THEIR mental health as if they were like you. That is, if you are sane. THEY are NOT. Clearly. So.. I am also left to ponder why this targeting has been revealed to me, in particular? I’m sure most curious people reading this blog probably are also wondering. Obviously, I can only speculate..and as I do through out this blog but I, of course, cannot say definitively so I may as well give my opinion–I mean, why stop now? I believe that TIs like me are being used. Well, that’s apparent. But to what end? I believe there are those who work in these criminally organized networks that hide behind the title of ‘government’ who know that what they are engaging in is criminal and amoral and may even feel a bit of remorse or guilt for their participation (though apparently not enough to stop or publicly come forward). But instead of personally risking their livelihoods, pensions and possible lives by coming forward as whistle blowers–they prefer to use TIs like me. In effect, I am being used to reveal what these cowards don’t have the moral courage to. This is the kind of rank psychosis and sociopathy that your tax dollars fund. I actually think they believe they are balancing out their criminal deeds by USING innocent people to reveal what’s going on behind the scenes of US govt black ops pogroms. But my thinking is that the worm that they are using as bait is still a sentient creation that has a right to life and they have taken away any choice I or any other TI may have had in the matter. Nothing will absolve them of that crime. Nothing. They have committed a crime to report a crime. But I imagine they feel as I’ve read many of these sociopaths in government opine: The ends justifies the means.
It is also my belief, that multi-generational TIs are artificially paired with one another to then create successive generations of readily available ‘specimens’–in much the same way that lab rats are probably mated or black slaves were deliberately paired to create more slaves for their owners . With this country’s more than troubling racist history, it really would not surprise me if this government experimentation was implemented because former slave owners wanted to find another profitable ‘use’ for their former property. Yes, I do believe those who think themselves ‘leaders’ are just that psychotic and depraved. The evidence is all around us.
And now when I contemplate some of the people who have come into my life, it would stand to reason that more than likely, they too, are probably also targeted individuals. Though perhaps, blissfully unaware. Not so ironically, most of them shared some kind of military connection; which as I mentioned before, seems to be another re-occurring theme with TIs. And one, I believe, may have been chosen to be what I’ve heard referred to as a ‘handler’. Fortunately, for me, she wasn’t a very effective one.
Another oddity that I’ve realized in hindsight–any persons that I worked with in a professional capacity or had any kind of friendships with in the past and lost contact with–I never seem to cross paths with these people later. Old friends from 20 years ago seem to have disappeared into thin air, with no trace. Which I find really odd since we are living in the social media age and it seems everybody is on Facebook and/or Instagram. And though I have lived in the same area for over 15 years now (subtracting the 5 years I lived in LA) and have worked many jobs in the area–I have yet to ever run into anyone publicly whom I’ve worked with in the past. Ever. It’s like TIs are insulated in a tightly controlled environment where every interaction or relationship is deliberately manufactured or chosen for us. Sounds like that movie starring Jim Carey–The Truman Show, doesn’t it? Could fact really be stranger than fiction?
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