The ‘New’ Compartmentalized “Jonestowns” Worldwide…
I believe wholeheartedly, though I obviously can’t prove it (right now)–that those who are TIs like myself, are being subjected to this ongoing & illegal experimentation, for years and decades on end, pretty much undetected by the communities and world at large, hiding in plain sight, so to speak, because the CIA has almost unlimited financial and political resources. If you are like most TIs, once your targeting has moved into this ‘final’ phase; 9 times out of 10, you are financially ruined or destitute, isolated socially from both your loved ones and any friends you may have had and so then, it becomes much easier for them to ‘experiment’ on you without much ado. At least, that’s the way it’s planned. But we all know what they say about the ‘best laid plans’?First off, let me say, I don’t believe the stalking, audio harassment and 24 hr monitoring and surveillance is anything ‘new’ for TIs. I just think that once our targeting has reached this ‘stage’ of the game; they simply ramp up what has probably been life long experimentation. I believe, at least in my case (as I believe is the case for MOST TIs)–that i have been a human guinea pig from at least my early childhood but more than likely–from birth. I mentioned on another post that my original birth certificate curiously lists me and my parent’s race as ‘white’ (there is an addendum that corrects this and I didn’t know any of this until adulthood when I obtained my birth certificate for work-related matters). I say this is ‘curious’ since we are in no way ‘white-looking or appearing’–in other words, we are not black people of the Adam Clayton Powell or Lena Horne assortment–much more like Paul Robeson or James Baldwin–so there is no way anyone with clear eyesight could have made that mistake. It is my belief since my targeting and covert experimentation has been revealed to me–that this may have been a way to ‘flag’ me or us in the system. And perhaps a way to skew the racial stats that most assuredly have to exist somewhere for what I believe is more than likely generations-old covert and illegal experimentation by the US government being perpetrated on the black community. In hindsight, there was a lot of ‘trauma’, both psychological & physical that happened to me as a child & adolescent that I think set the stage for where I am today. I think this is more than likely the case for all legitimate TIs. I think why someone like me is selected for audio harassment like voice to ear; is probably because I have been selected for a form of behavior-modification that the Frank Church Committee Hearings documents revealed to be a major component of the CIA’s MK-ULTRA mind control program. I wholeheartedly believe that what I’m being subjected to is basically the US government covertly creating behaviors that are either seen as asocial or negatively affecting ‘test subjects’ like me (OCD, hoarding, bi-polarism–these are just examples–I’m not saying I suffer from any of–these behaviors and our responses are negatively reinforced through out our youth and young adulthood and surreptitiously monitored via proxies/contractors (we saw this with Tuskegee)–and later in these unaware test subjects’ lives they implement a phase of ‘attempted modification’ that in effect, seeks to reverse these artificially-created (by them) behaviors thru methodologies we now call organized gang stalking, covert targeting/stalking, psychic driving which is a method used by the infamous Dr. Donald Ewan Cameron while working for the CIA at Canada’s McGill University; psychotropic drugs or electro-shock therapy and voice to skull (V2k), etc. I am sure this is what nazi ‘scientists’ operating in places like Auschwitz & Dachau were possibly studying during WWII and if not; Operation Paperclip has made their perverse wet dreams possible. I see this ‘system’ as antithetical to mental health and humanity in general. So it should be little surprise that my heroes are what most in society would see as ‘extremists’ or left of center ideologists. But make no mistake about it—my political views are not the REASON or CAUSE of the illegal and covert targeting and human experiments the US government and it’s proxies are engaged in—this is what they would like people who are reading this to believe. That somehow something I said or did caused this. My belief is that my entire family has probably, in various capacities and degrees—been used as involuntary and unaware human guinea pigs for generations. In the same way that Africans held no blame in their kidnapping and eventual enslavement in this country—I and my family hold no responsibility for what these racist, eugenicist nazi psychos posing as legitimate government entities, have chosen to implement and use—like slavery—purely for profit.
In my case, after having gone through other TIs personal journeys and testimonies and thinking about my own experience; I believe that the apartment where Voice to Ear was introduced to me–2821 West Blvd, #103, LA 90016–is what I think they call a CIA ‘safe house’..what appears to be an ordinary residence or place of business in the community that is owned by a possible CIA business front or a proxy and is used as a covert CIA black ops site. I believe that TIs like me, who don’t have the luxury of owning our own homes–are shuffled or guided as it were to CIA owned properties (and think about how much illegal and undocumented money the world’s largest illegal drug & arms dealer would have at it’s disposal?)..where I believe that whatever technology is being utilized to cause the neurological disturbances, which include the noise harassment, like stomping & bamming that only I ‘hear’; that cause the accelerated heart racing that happens primarily at night; the sensation of being virtually sexually assaulted or molested, again, something that happens only at night; the extreme body heat generated that I believe is caused by directed energy weapons; I also feel the sensation of my spine being manipulated or something moving up and down it, along with the feeling of my body vibrating or shaking. All of above generally only happen at night. There is also the manipulation of dreams or the attempts at blocking out dreams. There is also the attempts to suppress or heighten sexual desire or thoughts, I guess depending on what type of sexual pervert is doing the ‘experiment’ on that particular day. Of course, I have no way of knowing whether directed energy weapons or what ever technology is being used to facilitate all of these neurological and bodily disturbances is mobile and needs to be in close proximity to the target or whether this is being done from a large distance. I do know that in LA when I was first introduced to this, I remember getting violently sick, vomiting and also having an excruciating headache–so this could have been a result of something I ingested or perhaps it was them ‘turning’ this technology on for the first time and this was my body’s reaction to it. In retrospect, I had also just been 'laid off' from my security job with Pinkerton Government Services, where I had worked with known Department of Defense Contractors, Boeing and Raytheon, both located in El Segundo, Ca. What's curious about this stint is that I had never worked security prior to this gig and haven't since..and frankly, had never wanted to so I tend to view this is as another case of being deliberately 'drawn or guided' to an experience since I have of course discovered in the ensuing years--that these DoD defense contractors are the creators of the same kind of technology that TIs like me are being subjected to. Maybe my stint with these companies was simply to 'activate' the implant(s) that noticeably move around in my gut area today or maybe it activated the V2k; as I mentioned above, I did become violently ill right before I was laid off and it was after this period that voice to skull became a daily part of my life in the winter of 2008 at the West Blvd address in LA. Can I say definitively that working for these DoD defense contractors had anything to do with my targeting? No. Not as of this moment. But I also don't believe in coincidences. What I do believe is that what is going on now, is primarily on auto-pilot and definitely not ‘live’. I remember early on when I moved back to San Diego in 2011, the Voice to Ear, mistakenly referred to me as Joanne. Apparently, the US government has so many TIs on their rolls, they can’t keep our names straight in the computers. Dumb asses. It’s absolutely possible that in LA, it was ‘live’, at least partially. As i said previously, there are a lot of unemployed actors/actresses in LA and I’m sure if given the opportunity to work, even if they were not told what their ‘scripts’ were really being used for; would jump at something like this. But the psy ops was very specific to what they had deemed were my own personal insecurities. As I’ve said many times, what worked on me would not work on someone else. This is NOT a one size fits all harassment. And that’s why I KNOW this is intel/military-based harassment.
I also wholeheartedly believe there should be a class-action lawsuit against the US government for continually surreptitiously holding black people in virtual and literal involuntary servitude via this multi-generational targeting of whole families. I emphatically believe that families like mine are being used, without our consent and knowledge, as involuntary human guinea pigs in various medical and military experiments–funded and conducted on behalf of the US ‘government’. TIs, like me, I believe, are placed on secret ‘lists’ where we are actually sold to different entities— both private and governmental, for the purpose of testing medications, medical and psychiatric drugs and procedures; military technologies and covert military experimentation, etc. The US government is then actively making money and profit from the sale of unsuspecting human guinea pigs, most probably by charging ‘user fees’ for access to what are supposed to be ‘citizens’ to private businesses (domestic and foreign), public universities, hospitals, medical facilities, research laboratories, corporations and the US military; as well as foreign militaries and governments. All of this goes on for generations, in much the same way that chattel slavery existed in the US for centuries. And this is why I believe if there was a TI list made publicly available, we would find that the overwhelming majority of those subjected to this most insidious crime against humanity, hiding in plain sight–I would bet MY LIFE, that most of us are black. Most TIs are unaware of the true circumstances of their lives and go through life thinking their continual ‘bad luck’ is based on poor choices and circumstances they are in control of. Most are oblivious (as well as the general public) that the US government is covertly conducting ongoing and life long ‘mind control’ and behavioral modification experimentation on people from birth–for generations. I also believe, based on my daily subjection to local SD cop & California border control cars patrolling my every move about the city of San Diego, in the same way that I’m sure runaway slaves were hunted in the antebellum south–it is obvious, that the US government, is just as amoral, depraved and bereft of conscience, as they have shown themselves to be for the entirety of the existence of what we know as the USA. I also expect them to surreptitiously either track me (via my implants) and probably with boots (with paid foreign proxies like they do here with local SD cops–more than likely from the precinct located in City Heights on Fairmont Ave.) on the ground when I do leave this country. As I am aware, that as of Jan 2018, US Passport changes are in store, I wouldn’t be surprised if these freaks of nature are so paranoid, that they would try to keep people like me from traveling outside of this prison some call a country. Of course, it will all be covert, just like the daily V2k and directed energy weapon assaults I’m bombarded with. Which begs the question: why are these barbaric beasts so cowardly if they think they are so omnipotent? Why the public dance? Why not just come out and tell the world how barbaric you truly are? (not that you have ever hid it well).
Devonah Blackwell
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